Sheet Music Focus

Sheet Music Focus

At Stretta, sheet music is our daily bread. In the Stretta Journal, we take a close look at both selected new releases, and our personal favourites for you. Let us awaken your curiosity through our deep dives, and explore and discover even more sheet music.

Learning the organ for beginners, re-entrants and autodidacts

Learning the organ for beginners, re-entrants and autodidacts

The world-renowned organist Ulrike Theresia Wegele talks about her popular "Organ Method With Hands and Feet", which covers everything you need to work through all the organ literature in three volumes. Find out how versatile and exciting the textbooks for beginners, returners and autodidacts are structured, why it doesn't take unicorns, knights and fairies to inspire children to learn the organ and the very personal motivations that have led to her life's work.

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The New Performance Option for The Christmas Oratorio – Orchestra vs Organ

The New Performance Option for The Christmas Oratorio – Orchestra vs Organ

For many musicians, it is as much a part of the Advent and Christmas season as the Christmas tree or minced pies... Of course we are talking about the Christmas Oratorio by the Leipzig Thomaskantor Johann Sebastian Bach, which fills almost every church with festive sounds in wintertime. It is well known to us all in its original form with four soloists, mixed choir and orchestra with basso continuo, but the circumstances are not always suitable for such a grand performance. Good thing there's now a new option to perform this masterpiece without orchestra!

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Joy of Music – Rare Discoveries from the Schott Archives

Joy of Music – Rare Discoveries from the Schott Archives

While the word 'archive' rarely inspires joy, the opposite can be said of the "Joy of Music" series, which Schott produced for its 250th birthday. There are five volumes containing mostly virtuosic, sometimes meditative, but always entertaining treasures from the publishing house's archive. It’s an exciting insight into the music culture of the 19th century!

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Great choral works in small scorings

Great choral works in small scorings

How can large-scale choral masterpieces be performed by smaller choirs? This question has not only arisen from the corona pandemic, there have always been many reasons, including financial, to reduce the forces. Carus-Verlag regularly expands its series of choral works with reduced orchestrations with new, exciting releases. So the Stretta Journal team chose to take a closer look at these editions and present some of them in detail.

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Verband deutscher MusikschulenBundesverband der Freien MusikschulenJeunesses Musicales DeutschlandFrankfurter Tonkünstler-BundBundes­verb­and deutscher Lieb­haber-OrchesterStützpunkt­händ­ler der Wiener Urtext Edition

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