“Clarinets, like lawyers, have cases, mouthpieces, and they need a constant supply of hot air in order to function.” Victor Borge, Danish-American Comedian, Pianist & Conductor.
That may be true, but we know which one we would prefer to listen to on a sunny afternoon! Whether you are looking for Clarinet for Beginners, or some Concert Repertoire for Clarinet, or you want to explore the wonderful world of Benny Goodman, take a look at our sheet music, tuition books and scores, grab your clarinet case and mouthpiece, and get that hot air flowing today!
The descendant of the Medieval French Chalumeau, the first clarinet was built in Nürnberg in the early eighteenth century by Johann Christoph Danner. The clarinet is generally made of Grenadilla, an African blackwood. After evolving through the previous century, in the mid nineteenth century, Theolbald Boehm used his work with the flute to develop the key & ring mechanism which turned the clarinet into the instrument we recognise today.
Jamey Aebersold 1
for: Melody instrument (C/B-flat/E-flat)
Music lesson book, playback-CD
Item no.: 170404
New Edition 2018
for: Clarinet
Music lesson book
Item no.: 682858
for: Voice (melody instrument]
Music score
Item no.: 1684452
Sample Papers 2020 Model Answers Grade 5
for: Voice (melody instrument]
Work book (educational book)
Item no.: 1019614
ludus instrumentalis 038
for: 2 clarinets (B-flat), piano
Piano score, Solo parts
Item no.: 109072
für zwei Klarinetten
Universal Klarinetten Edition
for: 2 clarinets
Ensemble score
Item no.: 113761
Die australische Nationalhymne
for: Voice [melody instrument (C/B-flat/E-flat)], piano [keyboard/guitar]
Score, parts (pdf download)
Item no.: 1414
Arie der Pamina aus Die Zauberflöte
for: Clarinet (B-flat), piano
Piano score, Solo part (pdf download)
Item no.: 1074
for: Voice (melody instrument]
Music lesson book, online audio
Item no.: 1646315
for clarinet (A), cello and piano
for: Clarinet (a), cello, piano
Piano score, Solo parts
Item no.: 331491
für Klarinette und Klavier
for: Clarinet (B-flat), piano
Piano score, solo part
Item no.: 672403
for: Clarinet, piano
Item no.: 408975
op. 11
for: Clarinet, piano
Item no.: 655463
Twelve easy to intermediate songs without words
for: Clarinet; piano ad lib.
Music score, CD (with piano accompaniment to print yourself)
Item no.: 696596
for: Bass clarinet, piano
Item no.: 468197
for: Clarinet, piano
Item no.: 395516
for Clarinet and Piano
for: Clarinet, piano
Piano score, solo part
Item no.: 224341
op. 110
for: Clarinet
Sheet music
Item no.: 732979
Eb Instruments
for: Melody instrument (E-flat)
Item no.: 1026907
For Clarinet With Piano Accompaniment
for: Clarinet
Music score
Item no.: 292654
Collection Calamus
for: Bass clarinet
Music lesson book
Item no.: 464296
Parte prima
Italienische Diminutionslehren 3
for: Voice (melody instrument]
Music score
Item no.: 195190
Instrumental Play-Along
for: Clarinet
Music score, online audio
Item no.: 582635
Jamey Aebersold Jazz Play-Along for All Musicians
Jazz Play-Along Vol.128
for: Instrument in C (high and low), B-flat or E-flat (flute /violin /clarinet /saxophone /trumpet /horn /trombone /guitar /keyboard /piano /bass)
Music score, Playback-CD
Item no.: 583159
for: Clarinet
Music score, Playback-CD
Item no.: 499182
Oehler-System – Deutsches System
for: Clarinet
Fingering chart
Item no.: 618859
10 Jazz Standards for Clarinet
Authentic Jazz Playalong - CD Included
for: Clarinet; voice ad lib.
Music score, Playback-CD
Item no.: 466567
New Edition
ABRSM Aural Training in Practice
for: Voice (melody instrument]
Music lesson book, 2 playback CDs
Item no.: 260910
The Music of Chucho Valdés & Irakere
for: Instrument in C (high and low), B-flat or E-flat (flute /violin /clarinet /saxophone /trumpet /horn /trombone /guitar /keyboard /piano /bass)
Music lesson book
Item no.: 684152
9 Arrangements für variable Besetzung
for: 2 melodic instruments (C/B-flat), piano [guitar/keyboard], bass instrument; voice ad lib.
Score, Set of parts
Item no.: 479867
27 Pieces
Schott Anthology Series
for: Clarinet (B-flat), piano
Music score, Playback-CD
Item no.: 632252
LKM Music
for: Clarinet
Music score, online audio
Item no.: 884755
Student Instrumental Course
Übungen und Etüden für Anfänger
for: Clarinet
Music lesson book
Item no.: 209573
for: Clarinet (B-flat)
Music score
Item no.: 493682
Woodwind Solo
for: Clarinet
Music score
Item no.: 316473
Volume 2 (Francais Anglais) (Lehrmaterial) (Teaching material)
for: Clarinet
Music lesson book
Item no.: 239033
(Note Speller 3)
Schaum Method Supplement
for: Voice (melody instrument]
Music lesson book
Item no.: 765955
Basic Concepts for Playing Brazilian Music
for C, Bb, Eb and bass instruments (en/sp)
for: Instrument in C (high and low), B-flat or E-flat (flute /violin /clarinet /saxophone /trumpet /horn /trombone /guitar /keyboard /piano /bass)
Music lesson book, playback-CD
Item no.: 634989
Jazz Play-A-Long for all Musicians
Volume 47
for: Melody instrument (C/B-flat/E-flat)
Music lesson book, playback-CD
Item no.: 149214
Instrumental Solos for Wind Instruments – Piano Accompaniment
Alfred's Instrumental Play-Along
for: Wind instrument (C/B-flat/E-flat); piano ad lib.
Sheet music (piano accompaniment), playback-CD
Item no.: 605158
Over 150 contemporary tunes written by 100 female composers from Britain and Ireland
for: Voice (melody instrument]
Music score (anthology)
Item no.: 1560552
Training der Finger- und Zungentechnik
Essential Exercises
for: Clarinet
Music lesson book
Item no.: 602694
3 Bände komplett in einem Band
for: Clarinet
Music lesson book
Item no.: 131148
for: Instrument in C (high and low), B-flat or E-flat (flute /violin /clarinet /saxophone /trumpet /horn /trombone /guitar /keyboard /piano /bass)
Music score, Playback-CD
Item no.: 260959
Solos for Beginning through Early Intermediate lev
for: Clarinet
Music score, CD
Item no.: 162355
GIA Music Education
for: Melody instrument (B-flat)
Music lesson book (spiral binding), online audio
Item no.: 492404
The Nuts and Bolts of Music Improvisation
for: Instrument [voice]
Book (softcover)
Item no.: 681777