We deliver goods to all listed countries. When you select a country, the shipping costs will be displayed; the delivery times for that country will also be displayed and, if necessary, the prices will be updated - these are based on the applicable taxes and duties and take into account local price fixing regulations.
Shipping is by post or DHL – fast, reliable and climate-neutral.
The exact delivery times can be found with the respective article. If you have ordered articles with different delivery times, we will send the goods in a joint shipment, unless we have made different agreements with you. In this case the delivery time is determined by the article with the longest delivery time you have ordered. Download articles can be downloaded immediately after placing your order.
When paying by SEPA basic direct debit, you authorize us to collect the invoice amount from the specified account by issuing a corresponding SEPA mandate. You will receive a pre-notification at least 5 days before the date of the direct debit collection. Please note that you are obliged to ensure that the account has sufficient funds on the announced date. SEPA direct debit is only possible for customers with residence or company headquarters in Germany.
We supply customers in Germany and in some neighbouring countries with an invoice. If you would like to be supplied an invoice and this option is not shown, please contact us. The invoice amount is to be settled within 7 days after receipt of the goods.
All other payment methods are processed via the interface of our payment provider Mollie. Mollie is a payment service provider approved by the Dutch Central Bank (DNB). In addition to ApplePay, PayPal, credit and debit card payments, the regional payment methods GiroPay, EPS, iDeal, Bancontact and Klarna Sofort are also offered, depending on the country. For all payments processed via Mollie, your account will be debited upon conclusion of the contract, unless otherwise agreed.