“I played the tuba in high school. I thought, what can I play that has the most effect? What can I play to get people to laugh?” Patti LuPone, American Actress & Singer
Whether you are after a little musical amusement, or looking to have a great effect on the marching band or orchestra... or simply intrigued by the tuba, browse our sheet music and scores, take a look at our tuba sheet music downloads, and discover the wide, sometimes whimsical world of the tuba with Stretta Music today!
The tuba comes in various different designs. The most common tubas are in Eb or F, and contrabass tubas are normally in C or Bb. The helicon, usually tuned in Eb, is a unique version of the tuba, that the musician can hang over their shoulder.
The helicon is the predecessor of the sousaphone, whose substantially larger bell is detachable and does not point sideways, as with the helicon, but forwards above the player’s head. Marching tubas are also played with the bell facing forward, with the instrument resting on the player’s right shoulder.
for: Tuba [bass trombone]
Music score
Item no.: 1018413
for: Tuba
Music score
Item no.: 301236
Southern Music
for: Tuba
Music score
Item no.: 619938
Original unabridged Edition
for: Brass instrument
Study book
Item no.: 621249
for: Tuba, brass band; narrator ad lib.
Item no.: 1204810
Fundamentals for brass
Instrumental technique
for: Brass instrument
Study book
Item no.: 199064
for: Brass instrument
Book (softcover)
Item no.: 773650
Brass Band Instruments (B flat)
The Boosey Woodwind and Brass Method
for: Brass instrument (B-flat) (treble clef), piano
Music score (piano accompaniment)
Item no.: 155679
for: Tuba, piano
Piano score, solo part
Item no.: 272225
Brass Band Instruments (B flat)
Vol. 1
The Boosey Woodwind and Brass Method
for: Brass instrument (B-flat) (treble clef)
Music score, Playback-CD
Item no.: 484636
The Nuts and Bolts of Music Improvisation
for: Instrument [voice]
Book (softcover)
Item no.: 681777
Jazz Book
for: Instrument
Music score
Item no.: 310958
bass clef edition
Jamey Aebersold Jazz
for: Bass instrument (bass clef)
Music score
Item no.: 765317
for Tuba (2018)
for: Tuba
Music score
Item no.: 1541798
for: Instrument
Music lesson book
Item no.: 101359
A must-have guide for all brass students and teachers
for: Brass instrument
Music lesson book
Item no.: 179848
for: Tuba
Music score
Item no.: 967041
Canadian Brass
for: Tuba
Music score
Item no.: 1107130
Jazz Scales & Patterns in all 12 Keys
Phrase like a pro!
for: Instrument [voice]
Music lesson book
Item no.: 493356
Book D
Bastien's Invitation to Music
for: Instrument [voice]
Music lesson book
Item no.: 175467
for Tuba (or Bass Trombone)
Music for Brass (Robert King) 281
for: Tuba [bass trombone]
Music score
Item no.: 101289
A practice method for all instruments
for: Instrument
Music lesson book
Item no.: 107309
For Tuba and Piano
for: Tuba, piano
Piano score, solo part
Item no.: 446154
A Developmental Guide for Brass Wind Musicians
for: Wind instrument
Music lesson book
Item no.: 560308
Brass Band Instruments (B flat) Vol. 2
The Boosey Woodwind and Brass Method
for: Brass instrument (B-flat) (treble clef)
Music score, 2 Playback-CDs
Item no.: 472324
Scale and Interval Exercises
for: Tuba
Music score
Item no.: 1147302
Eine praktische Anleitung für den Jazzneuling
for: Tuba
Music lesson book, playback-CD
Item no.: 685669
A collection of 32 fun-to-play familiar melodies for the beginning instrumentalist
for: Tuba
Book, CD
Item no.: 151773
120 cards for any late elementary music student
for: Instrument [voice]
Cards (teaching material)
Item no.: 474560
for all beginning Students
89 Cards with all the Notes, Symbols and Terms needed for the first 2 Years
for: Instrument [voice]
Cards (teaching material)
Item no.: 668968
for: Tuba
Music lesson book
Item no.: 444055
14 Etüden mit praktischen Tipps und Erläuterungen von Bob Mintzer
for: Bass instrument (bass clef)
Music score, 2 Playback-CDs
Item no.: 177388
Tuba Gym - (Sam Pilafian & Patrick Sheridan)
for: Tuba
Music score, CD
Item no.: 655191
for: Brass instrument
Music lesson book
Item no.: 667430
Studies for 1 or 2 B.C. Brass Instruments
for: 1–2 trombones [euphoniums/tubas]
Music lesson book (bass clef)
Item no.: 478225
Method for brass players
The logical way to attain unlimited control, endurance and range
for: Brass instrument
Study book
Item no.: 165089
For daily use with any method
for: Tuba
Music lesson book
Item no.: 661205
dt./engl./russ. (Lehrmaterial) (Teaching material)
for: Tuba
Music lesson book
Item no.: 131094
for: Brass instrument
Music lesson book
Item no.: 619523
for: Tuba
Music lesson book
Item no.: 763731
A Complete Method for the Eb, C, and Bb Tubas
for: Tuba
Music lesson book
Item no.: 1556497
Exercises to improve Breath Control and Airflow
for Band, Chorus and Orchestral Winds
Focus on music
for: Wind instrument
Music lesson book
Item no.: 491673
Confidence-boosting strategies for musicians
for: Instrument
Book (softcover)
Item no.: 350043
Übungen für jeden Tag
Für Fortgeschrittene und Profis und für die, die es noch werden wollen
for: Tuba
Music lesson book
Item no.: 1008782
Teil 1 und 2
dt./engl./russ. (Lehrmaterial) (Teaching material)
for: Tuba
Music lesson book
Item no.: 131101
for: Instrument
Music score, Playback-CD
Item no.: 266056
Notes on the difficult, humorous, endless path of becoming a better improvising musician
for: Instrument
Music lesson book, online audio
Item no.: 201865
A Theory Text for Jazz Composition and Improvisation
for bass clef instruments
for: Bass instrument (bass clef)
Music lesson book
Item no.: 403592