Woodwind & Brass

Woodwind & Brass

Woodwind or brass, concert band or mixed wind ensemble, here you will find exciting stories and interesting articles on all topics related to wind instruments.

And you can find Woodwind Sheet Music, Brass Sheet Music and Mixed Wind Sheet Music in the Stretta Shop.

Florian Hatzelmann: A Tubist Embracing Classical, Brass Music, and Hip Hop

Florian Hatzelmann: A Tubist Embracing Classical, Brass Music, and Hip Hop

Florian Hatzelmann excels as a tuba player across diverse styles, whether in the orchestra of the Zurich Opera House, with Ernst Hutter & Die Egerländer, or in the hip-hop dance ensemble Fättes Blech. Discover how he manages this unique crossover and finds success on social media as @_tubaflo in our exclusive interview.

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The Bigband

The Bigband

Composing and arranging for big band today is no easy task, as Jazz Award winner Thorsten Wollmann knows from personal experience. Here is a brief overview of the past and present of this quintessential jazz ensemble.

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Instrumental Up-Keep in Winter - What Should I Consider?

Instrumental Up-Keep in Winter - What Should I Consider?

What would Christmas and New Year be without concerts and music? Unfortunately, many instruments don't like the winter temperatures at all, and the dry air from our heating can also cause problems. What might happen and how can I protect my instrument from damage?

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Learning to play the Bassoon – 20 Questions for Anselma Veit

Learning to play the Bassoon – 20 Questions for Anselma Veit

“I think the bassoon gives the music a nice depth - literally and figuratively. Precisely because the tone is so wonderfully warm and velvety. No matter what formation.“ Bassoon player Anselma Veit anwsers our musical questionnaire in the hopes of making the choice for a new instrument a bit easier.

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Learning to play the Recorder – 20 Questions for Vera Petry

Learning to play the Recorder – 20 Questions for Vera Petry

“What fascinates me about the recorder is the warm, soft sound and the natural playing style: the direct contact of the fingers to the wood and the wonderful feeling, similar to singing, of bringing the instrument to life with your own breath.” Recorder player Vera Petry anwsers our musical questionnaire in the hopes of making the choice for a new instrument a bit easier.

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WMC Kerkrade Retrospective: What is the Status of Wind Music Today?

WMC Kerkrade Retrospective: What is the Status of Wind Music Today?

The opinion is growing amongst wind musicians that the scene seems to be in a difficult situation. Which direction should wind music take in order to reach as many people as possible in the future? Perhaps the WMC, World Music Contest, in Kerkrade in the Netherlands, often referred to as a “laboratory for wind music” can give us an insight into the scene…

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Learning to Play the Tuba – 20 Questions for Rupert Gratz

Learning to Play the Tuba – 20 Questions for Rupert Gratz

‘The tuba has become a cult instrument. [...] Children are impressed by the size of the instrument and the beautiful sound.’ Tuba player Rupert Gratz answers our musical questionnaire to help you decide on a new instrument.

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Understanding and Experiencing Breathing - Part 2: Three Practical Exercises

Understanding and Experiencing Breathing - Part 2: Three Practical Exercises

The first part was about understanding breathing, the second part is about experiencing it! Physiotherapist and oboist Sophie Stahl shows you three practical exercises to relax, train or regenerate your respiratory muscles. They are ideal for everyday musical life - before, during or after a rehearsal.

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Learning to play the Trumpet – 20 Questions for Kristin Thielemann

Learning to play the Trumpet – 20 Questions for Kristin Thielemann

"I think the trumpet helps people discover something very valuable: openness and straightforwardness." Trumpeter Kristin Thielemann answers our musical questionnaire to help you decide on a new instrument.

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Learning to play the Clarinet – 20 questions for Flavia Feudi

Learning to play the Clarinet – 20 questions for Flavia Feudi

"The clarinet has the widest range of all woodwind instruments and can produce very soft but also very loud sounds in different registers." "To assist you in choosing a new instrument, clarinetist Flavia Feudi has provided responses to our musical questionnaire.

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Joy of Music – Rare Discoveries from the Schott Archives

Joy of Music – Rare Discoveries from the Schott Archives

While the word 'archive' rarely inspires joy, the opposite can be said of the "Joy of Music" series, which Schott produced for its 250th birthday. There are five volumes containing mostly virtuosic, sometimes meditative, but always entertaining treasures from the publishing house's archive. It’s an exciting insight into the music culture of the 19th century!

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Verband deutscher MusikschulenBundesverband der Freien MusikschulenJeunesses Musicales DeutschlandFrankfurter Tonkünstler-BundBundes­verb­and deutscher Lieb­haber-OrchesterStützpunkt­händ­ler der Wiener Urtext Edition

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