

Music is made by people: composers write it, musicians play it, and we all listen to it. Here, we explore the people whose lives are shaped and driven by music: established stars, up-and-coming artists, passionate amateurs, and many more.

CHORstimmen - No. 3: Voice training with the Vienna Boys' Choir

CHORstimmen - No. 3: Voice training with the Vienna Boys' Choir

The Vienna Boys' Choir will celebrate its 525th anniversary in 2024. The school, which is specially tailored to musical training, offers the children singing development at the highest level with plenty of stage experience. We meet Alice Rath-Stépán, opera singer and singing teacher, who puts her heart and soul into training the young voices of the Vienna Boys' Choir and the Vienna Girls' Choir.

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Michele Galvagno – Artistic Score Engraving

Michele Galvagno – Artistic Score Engraving

Cellist Michele Galvagno became a music engraver in order to provide other musicians with the best possible editions of sheet music. Find out in our interview how he is committed to the composers Friedrich Dotzauer and Alfredo Piatti, how time-consuming the work process from manuscript to finished edition is and how scores have changed over the course of history.

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Florian Hatzelmann: A Tubist Embracing Classical, Brass Music, and Hip Hop

Florian Hatzelmann: A Tubist Embracing Classical, Brass Music, and Hip Hop

Florian Hatzelmann excels as a tuba player across diverse styles, whether in the orchestra of the Zurich Opera House, with Ernst Hutter & Die Egerländer, or in the hip-hop dance ensemble Fättes Blech. Discover how he manages this unique crossover and finds success on social media as @_tubaflo in our exclusive interview.

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World Pianist Jean Kleeb

World Pianist Jean Kleeb

Classical, Jazz & Indigenous Music InterwovenWorld Pianist Jean Kleeb(25.07.2023)Jean Kleeb is a composer and pianist, born and raised in Brazil, who has lived in Germany since he was 28. His passion is to weave together the various styles of the world, from classical music to jazz to indigenous music, just as people and nature are interconnected. In the interview, he discusses, among other things, what world music should be, how much jazz is in Josquin and Wagner, and the role of his current project,...

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CHOIRvoices – No. 1 Melanie Schlerf: Choir Conductor, Singer & Professional Choral Singer

CHOIRvoices – No. 1 Melanie Schlerf: Choir Conductor, Singer & Professional Choral Singer

ur new interview series is dedicated to the diversity in the choir world. In this first interview, we speak with the talented choir conductor, singer, and professional choral singerMelanie Schlerf. Learn first-hand what qualities and experiences are essential for a successful career as a choir conductor, and discover intriguing answers on topics such as programme selection, digitalisation, choir rehearsals, and the challenges of recent years for choral singing and her choirs.

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A 150th anniversary retrospective on Sergei Rachmaninoff

A 150th anniversary retrospective on Sergei Rachmaninoff

"Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music". This was the sentiment of Sergei Vasilyevich Rachmaninoff, who was born in Russia 150 years ago. Eleonora Paolin remembers the "last romantic" by looking at some remarkable aspects of his life and work.

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Antonio Oyarzábal – Unveiling the Hidden Gems of Female Composers

Antonio Oyarzábal – Unveiling the Hidden Gems of Female Composers

The London-based Basque pianist talks about his latest album "El Fin del Silencio" (The End Of Silence) of works by Latin American women composers and the challenges he has faced in his career in finding repertoire and scores by women composers.

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Learn Guitar with Tatiana Stachak

Learn Guitar with Tatiana Stachak

In a class of its own: Tatiana Stachak's innovative teaching method, “First Class Guitar”, has many followers worldwide. The focus of the music educator, composer, and guitarist is on the joy of making music. Through early duet play with the teacher, initial success quickly occurs, and motivation is maintained. In the interview, Tatiana Stachak provides insights into her work.

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Violeta Gil – The importance of a positive mindset for a professional musician

Violeta Gil – The importance of a positive mindset for a professional musician

The “restless” flautist talks about when she found her passion to learn the flute, her musical education, social media for musicians, the support of family & friends and the importance of “keep going” after setbacks and why unsuccessful auditions aren’t failures. Furthermore she shares with us her favourite musical pieces and scores.

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Portrait of the renowned organist and textbook author

Portrait of the renowned organist and textbook author

Ulrike Theresia Wegele is one of the leading organists of her generation. She teaches in Graz and Eisenstadt and lives in Vienna, where she published her popular "Organ School with Hand and Foot" with the Doblinger publishing house. Read here how her path to becoming an organist began on "Blood Friday," what a thrill her entrance exam was, and which scores are close to her heart.

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Marc le Gars in Focus – From Award Winning Guitarist to Celebrated Composer

Marc le Gars in Focus – From Award Winning Guitarist to Celebrated Composer

The guitarist Marc Le Gars is known especially in France for his compositions for solo guitar and chamber music. Over the years, he has published dozens of sheet music from which is readily selected for guitar examinations and competitions. In this video interview, he talks about his career and his music.

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Vocation: Composer - An Interview with Sophie Lacaze

Vocation: Composer - An Interview with Sophie Lacaze

How does one become a composer? What are the different stages in the composition process? How can the world around us inspire us to create musical works? These are the questions we asked French composer Sophie Lacaze.

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The Life and Work of a Classical Composer Today – An Interview with Zdeněk Král

The Life and Work of a Classical Composer Today – An Interview with Zdeněk Král

Zdeněk Král is one of the most prominent figures in modern Czech classical music and, with more than 1000 compositions, he is extremely prolific. In an interview with Tomáš Ibrmajer he talks about his life as a composer: from his inspirations, the creative process and the challenges, to the final performance.

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"The world needs more artists" – in memoriam Chick Corea

Chick Corea, one of the greatest jazz pianists, has left the stages of the world forever at the age of 79. For Stretta Journal, composer and musician Jan Reinelt describes the significance of the brilliant improviser for the music world—and for him personally.

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Verband deutscher MusikschulenBundesverband der Freien MusikschulenJeunesses Musicales DeutschlandFrankfurter Tonkünstler-BundBundes­verb­and deutscher Lieb­haber-OrchesterStützpunkt­händ­ler der Wiener Urtext Edition

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