Marc Le Gars im Fokus

Vom ausgezeichneten Gitarristen zum beliebten Komponisten

von Stefan Wirsing (Interview, Ton & Schnitt) und Jonas Kraus (Kamera)


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Marc Le Gars |

Marc le Gars graduated in classical guitar with a Master's degree from the U.M.I.P. (Université Musicale Internationale de Paris) and with a gold medal from the Saint-Nazaire Conservatoire. He taught for many years at the Conservatoire of the Communauté de Communes Châteaubriant-Derval (Loire-Atlantique). He is known especially in France for his imaginative compositions for solo guitar and chamber music – among others in the Duo Ker Ys.

Over the years, he has published dozens of sheet music from which is readily selected for guitar examinations and competitions. He is regularly invited to music schools and conservatories to give master classes on his works.

In the video interview, Marc Le Gars talks about his career and his music and plays excerpts from his yet to be released Swing-Sonatine.

The progressive studies mentioned at the end of the video have not yet been published either. A similar concept is already followed by the series Notes de Voyages, inspired by various countries, the first volume of which is aimed at beginners on the guitar, gradually increasing the difficulty until the fifth volume for advanced players.

Notes de Voyage for guitar solo

Marc Le Gars, Notes De Voyages 1 : Ici et Là 1 Sheet Music 1: Hier und Da (30 sehr leichte Stücke)
Marc Le Gars, Notes De Voyages 2 – Ailleurs Sheet Music 2: Anderswo (22 sehr leichte bis leichte Stücke)
Marc Le Gars, Notes De Voyages 3 : Autre Part Sheet Music 3: Der andere Teil (19 leichte Stücke)
Marc Le Gars, Notes De Voyages 4 : Plus Loin Sheet Music 4: Weiter weg (18 leichte bis mittelschwere Stücke)
Marc Le Gars, Notes de Voyages 5 : Encore plus loin Sheet Music 5: Noch weiter weg (14 mittelschwere Stücke)

„Rhuddlan“ aus Band 5

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Weitere Notenhefte für Gitarre solo

Marc Le Gars, Valses sur Loire 1 Sheet Music Valses sur Loire 1: 7 leichte Walzer
Marc Le Gars, Valses sur Loire 2 Sheet Music Valses sur Loire 2: 7 mittelschwere Walzer
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„Swallow falls“ aus Paysages Celtiques 2

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Sheet Music for 2 guitars

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Paysages Celtiques 1 für 2 Gitarren Sheet Music Paysages Celtiques 2
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Memoires Celtiques 2 Sheet Music 13 Stücke über mittelalterliche Märchen aus Wales

„Air galicien“ aus Mémoires celtiques 2

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Sheet Music for guitar quartet & more

Paysages Celtiques 1 für 2 Gitarren Noten 4 Airs Celtiques (Gitarrenquartett)
Paysages Celtiques 1 für 2 Gitarren Noten 4 Couleurs D'Automne (Gitarrenquartett)
Memoires Celtiques 1 Noten Amicalement Vôtre (Gitarrenensemble, E-Bass)

4 Airs celtiques

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Noten für (Keltische) Harfe

Paysages Celtiques 1 für 2 Gitarren Noten Harpe en ballade 1: 14 leichte Stücke
Paysages Celtiques 1 für 2 Gitarren Noten Harpe en ballade 2: 9 mittelschwere Stücke
Memoires Celtiques 1 Noten Paysages Celtiques: 13 leichte Stücke
Memoires Celtiques 1 Noten Hommage à Heitor Villa-Lobos

3 Pièces en forme de "Cirandinhas"

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