Vocal & Choral

Vocal & Choral

Here you can find exciting stories and interesting articles about solo and choral singing.

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CHOIRvoices – No. 1 Melanie Schlerf: Choir Conductor, Singer & Professional Choral Singer

CHOIRvoices – No. 1 Melanie Schlerf: Choir Conductor, Singer & Professional Choral Singer

ur new interview series is dedicated to the diversity in the choir world. In this first interview, we speak with the talented choir conductor, singer, and professional choral singerMelanie Schlerf. Learn first-hand what qualities and experiences are essential for a successful career as a choir conductor, and discover intriguing answers on topics such as programme selection, digitalisation, choir rehearsals, and the challenges of recent years for choral singing and her choirs.

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Understanding and Experiencing Breathing - Part 2: Three Practical Exercises

Understanding and Experiencing Breathing - Part 2: Three Practical Exercises

The first part was about understanding breathing, the second part is about experiencing it! Physiotherapist and oboist Sophie Stahl shows you three practical exercises to relax, train or regenerate your respiratory muscles. They are ideal for everyday musical life - before, during or after a rehearsal.

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Learning to sing – 20 questions for Sven Fürst

Learning to sing – 20 questions for Sven Fürst

"To experience what the human voice is capable of in terms of expression and art makes you very grateful, happy and humble!" Opera and concert singer Sven Fürst answers our musical questionnaire to help you make the decision to learn to sing.

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Great choral works in small scorings

Great choral works in small scorings

How can large-scale choral masterpieces be performed by smaller choirs? This question has not only arisen from the corona pandemic, there have always been many reasons, including financial, to reduce the forces. Carus-Verlag regularly expands its series of choral works with reduced orchestrations with new, exciting releases. So the Stretta Journal team chose to take a closer look at these editions and present some of them in detail.

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Verband deutscher MusikschulenBundesverband der Freien MusikschulenJeunesses Musicales DeutschlandFrankfurter Tonkünstler-BundBundes­verb­and deutscher Lieb­haber-OrchesterStützpunkt­händ­ler der Wiener Urtext Edition

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