Orlando di Lasso (1532-1594) was one of the most important composers of the Renaissance Period. While Palestrina was well recognised in the Roman territories, Orlando di Lasso was a truly multicultural artist, whose reputation spanned the whole of Europe. Browse our sheet music and scores, and explore all his master works with Stretta Music today!
Orlando di Lasso was the last great Franco-Flemish composer of the Renaissance Period. Di Lasso was very well travelled, and in his work, there are traces of many different European cultures including Holland, Sicily, Italy, England, France and Germany.
On finishing his studies in 1556, he joined the Munich Court Orchestra, one of the top ensembles of its time, becoming the musical director in 1564, a post he held for the rest of his life. Here, di Lasso had an impressive number of musicians at his disposal for the time, 56 singers and 30 instrumentalists. Orlando di Lasso also taught a number of prominent composers, including Johannes Eccard and Giovanni Gabrieli.
Orlando di Lasso wrote a great deal of Sacred Music. He wrote over 1200 motets, which have a relatively free structure, and often adopt simple song melodies as motifs or “cantus firmus”. He also composed Masses, Magnificat & Nunc Dimitis’, Lamentations and Psalms.
About half of his output however falls under Secular Music. Di Lasso composed madrigals, villanelles, chansons and songs, which not only showcase his masterful polyphonic technique, but also his sense of humour, for example in the madrigals “Mattona mia cara” and“ Echo”. The modern harmonic developments of the time, the move away from plagal tonality towards modern harmonic tonal music, slowly filtered into di Lasso’s works, and it began to take on the tonal harmony we recognise today.
Renaissance Music Prints 6
for: 2 melodic instruments
Item no.: 462312
for: 2 recorders (AT)
Ensemble score (pdf download)
Item no.: 1917
for: Choir
Item no.: 990885
Musicum Band 1 für 2
for: 2 recorders
Ensemble score
Item no.: 181735
Das Chorwerk
for: Mixed choir (SATB) a cappella
Item no.: 409612
for: Mixed choir (SATB) a cappella
Choir score
Item no.: 905389
for: Male choir (TBB), piano
Choir score
Item no.: 796795
Novello Short Biographies 11
Book (softcover)
Item no.: 321405
Partitur und Stimmen
for: Blockflöten (6-7)
Score, part
Item no.: 554378
Geistliche Musik
for: Mixed choir a cappella
Music score
Item no.: 906933
Easy Flex 4
4 zuweisbare Stimmen
for: Brass band
Score, Parts
Item no.: 667910
piae memoriae, ..., quatuor vocibus chromatico more
München 1600
for: Mixed choir (SATB) a cappella
Item no.: 6307
for: 8 recorders
Score, Parts
Item no.: 362607
für Posaunen- [Tuben]-DoppelQuartett
for: 8 trombones
Score, Parts
Item no.: 302814
The Italian Madrigals
for: 4 voices [4 melodic instruments]
Item no.: 311057
Repertoire–Untersuchungen zur Musik der Spätrenaissance
2 Books (Hardcover)
Item no.: 268430
for: Violin, cello
Sheet music
Item no.: 1383377
Motets for Four to Eight Voices from Selectissimae cantiones (Nuremberg, 1568)
for: 4–8 voices
Item no.: 1160555
Handschriftlich überlieferte Messen II
Orlando di Lasso. Sämtliche Werke (Neue Reihe) 10
for: Choir
Gesamtausgabe, Singpartitur, Sammelband, Urtextausgabe
Item no.: 115894
Harmonia-Men's Choir
for: Male choir (TTBB), piano
Item no.: 906539
for: Mixed choir a cappella
Choir score
Item no.: 822791
for: Mixed choir (SSATB), piano
Choir score
Item no.: 315909
Music Box
for: Wind Quartet with Variable Instrumentation with Percussion
Score, Parts
Item no.: 336874
Két madrigál
for: Mixed choir (SATB) a cappella
Choir score
Item no.: 850952
Harmonia-Mixed Choir
Item no.: 931201
für gem Chor a cappella
Partitur (la)
for: Mixed choir a cappella
Item no.: 563141
Handschriftlich überlieferte Messen III
Orlando di Lasso. Sämtliche Werke (Neue Reihe) 11
for: Choir
Gesamtausgabe, Sammelband, Urtextausgabe
Item no.: 116266
Hortus Musicus
for: Blockflöten (2) oder Melodieinstrument
Spielpartitur, Sammelband
Item no.: 122038
Collection d'études musicologiques / Sammlung musikwissenschaftlicher Arbeiten 38
Book (softcover)
Item no.: 122422
for: 3 Clarinets and Bass Clarinet
Score, Parts
Item no.: 996077
Walton Choral
for: SATB Double Choir
Choir score
Item no.: 985618
for: Mixed choir (SATB), piano
Choir score
Item no.: 911523
Sacrae cantiones quinque vocum (Munich, 1582)
for: 5 voices
Item no.: 1160548
for: Mixed choir (4 voices) a cappella
Choir score
Item no.: 123902
aus "Le premier livre de Chansons", Antwerpen 1564
for: Male choir (TTBB) a cappella
Sheet music
Item no.: 1131
Psalm 50,3
for: Mixed choir a cappella
Sheet music
Item no.: 755697
for: String orchestra
Item no.: 948241
Mottetta, sex vocum, typis nondum uspiam excusa (Munich, 1582)
for: 6 voices
Item no.: 1160547
Liber mottetarum trium vocum (Munich, 1575)
Novae aliquot, ad duas voces cantiones (Munich, 1577)
for: 2–3 voices
Item no.: 1160549
Moduli quinis vocibus nunquam hactenus editi (Paris, 1571)
for: 5 voices
Item no.: 1160553
Motets for Six Voices from Primus liber concentum sacrorum (Paris, 1564)
Motets for Four to Ten Voices from Modulorum secundum volumen (Paris, 1565)
for: 4–10 voices
Item no.: 1160559
Versuch einer Bestandsaufnahme der biographischen Einzelheiten
Item no.: 1677897
Motetten XI (Magnum opus musicum, Teil XI)
Alte Folge Band 18
for: Mixed choir (SATB), piano
Score (Urtext edition)
Item no.: 1551758
Messen der Drucke Paris 1607 und München 1610
Orlando di Lasso. Sämtliche Werke (Neue Reihe) 8
for: Choir
Gesamtausgabe, Singpartitur, Sammelband, Urtextausgabe
Item no.: 115892
Hymnen und Choräle
for: Mixed choir a cappella
Music score
Item no.: 822701
Choir score
Item no.: 900778
This glad day He appeared
for: Male choir (TTB) a cappella
Item no.: 1039087
Régi mesterek vegyeskarai 5
for: Mixed choir (4–5 parts) a cappella
Choir score
Item no.: 850381