Musikalischer und technischer Aufbau durch Ensemblespiel
70 vergnügliche Lernstücke für Ensemble & Solo Gitarre
for: 1–5 guitars
Ensemble score, 2 CDs
Item no.: 466971
for: 2 guitars
Ensemble score
Item no.: 144545
3 Stücke für Gitarre
for: Classical guitar
Music score
Item no.: 208774
Desde Lejos. Suite
Item no.: 365268
for: Guitar
Sheet music
Item no.: 720972
à Antonio Lauro
for: Guitar
Sheet music
Item no.: 747862
119 Carefully Selected Works
All you need for many years of learning to play the guitar
for: Guitar
Music score, playback-CD (mp3)
Item no.: 466972
The Guitar Duo Repertoire Book
for: 2 guitars
Sheet music
Item no.: 1831487
for: 2 guitars
Score, Parts
Item no.: 761439
for: Guitar
Item no.: 564958
for: Guitar
Music score
Item no.: 1585422
for: 2 guitars
Ensemble score
Item no.: 193486
for: Guitar Duet
Buch + Einzelstimme(n)
Item no.: 1585330
for: 2 guitars
Score, Parts
Item no.: 475426
Desde Lejos. Suite
Item no.: 1670820
for: Guitar
Music score
Item no.: 1585421
à Antonio Lauro
for: Guitar
Item no.: 475432
for: Guitar
Music score
Item no.: 1585509
über ein Thema von Irina Kircher
for: Guitar
Music score
Item no.: 1214169
on a theme by Irina Kircher
for: Guitar
Sheet music
Item no.: 1340970
for: 2 guitars
Ensemble score
Item no.: 578396
für zwei Gitarren
for: 2 guitars
Ensemble score
Item no.: 122365
for: 4 guitars (quartet)
Score, Parts
Item no.: 460929
for: Guitar
Music score
Item no.: 1585404
Edition Montes-Kircher
for: 2 guitars
Score, solo part
Item no.: 122363
for: Guitar
Item no.: 444162
for: 3 guitars
Set of parts
Item no.: 1585370
for: Classical guitar
Music score
Item no.: 691005
for: Guitar
Music score
Item no.: 1135758
for: Guitar ensemble
Score, Parts
Item no.: 1585582
for: Guitar [lute]
Music score
Item no.: 263795
The Christmas Book
for: 3-5 Gitarren
Ensemble score
Item no.: 780269
International Edition
40 Easy Song Accompaniments for all ages
Volume 1
for: Guitar; voice ad lib.
Lesson book (with standard notation and tabs), Demo CD
Item no.: 475423
Einfache Liedbegleitung für große und kleine Kinder
30 Gitarrenlektionen für die Ganztagsschule
for: Classical guitar
Lesson book (with standard notation and tabs)
Item no.: 366062