for: 2 classical guitars
Set of parts
Item no.: 694886
for: 2 guitars
Ensemble score
Item no.: 1025311
Two dances
for: 3 guitars
Score, Parts
Item no.: 780382
Musikalischer und technischer Aufbau durch Ensemblespiel
70 vergnügliche Lernstücke für Ensemble & Solo Gitarre
for: 1–5 guitars
Ensemble score, 2 CDs
Item no.: 466971
12 Trumpet Solos with Guitar Accompaniment
for: Trumpet (B-flat), 1–2 guitars
Score, parts, online media
Item no.: 827670
for: 2 guitars
Score, Parts
Item no.: 780237
Essential Elements Guitar
for: Guitar ensemble
Item no.: 630179
Easy entertaining guitar pieces for beginners
for: 1–2 guitars
Music score, online audio
Item no.: 1479698
14 Hit Songs arranged for three or more Guitarists
Essential Elements Guitar Ensembles
for: 3 guitars
Ensemble score
Item no.: 635166
Ricordi Guitar Ensemble
for: 4 guitars (quartet)
Score, solo part
Item no.: 771356
Augabe mit Tabulatur
Zehn groovige Duo-Kompositionen aus den Stilbereichen Pop, Blues, Folk & Jazz
Für zwei Gitarren oder Melodieinstrument (Violine, Querflöte, Altblockflöte, Vibraphon) und Gitarre
for: 2 guitars
Music score (with TABs), Playback-CD
Item no.: 364884
for: 2 guitars
Item no.: 761278
Guitar Duos
Guitar Works (Mertz)
for: 2 guitars
Set of parts
Item no.: 760523
for guitar or lyre-guitar
for: 1–2 guitars
Music score
Item no.: 769970
Reneszánsz muzsika két gitárra
for: 2 guitars
Ensemble score (anthology)
Item no.: 478430
A unique introduction to playing and understanding this traditional cuban instrument
for: 3 guitars
Music lesson book, online audio
Item no.: 464533
for: 2 guitars
Item no.: 487706
BWV 639, 659, 645, 650, 147
for: 2 guitars
Item no.: 492364
Edition Schott
for: 2 guitars
Sheet music
Item no.: 739778
für 4 Gitarren und Latinpercussion ad lib.
for: 4 guitars (quartet)
Score, Parts
Item no.: 337442
op. 55
for: 2 guitars
Item no.: 331127
for: 3 guitars [accordions]
Score, Parts
Item no.: 419369
EMB Musica per chitarra
for: 2 guitars
Ensemble score
Item no.: 226639
29 Pieces
latin, spanish, fingerpicking, and many more.......
for: 1–2 classical guitars
Music score
Item no.: 144422
for: 2 guitars
Ensemble score
Item no.: 1135688
for: 1–2 guitars
Ensemble score
Item no.: 609201
12 leichte Duos
for: 2 guitars
2 Scores for playing, Playback-CD
Item no.: 298543
Easy duets
for: 1–2 classical guitars
Ensemble score, Playback-CD
Item no.: 150742
für zwei Gitarren
for: 2 guitars
Ensemble score
Item no.: 602367
for: 4 guitars (quartet)
Item no.: 304022
Spielstücke für 1 bis 4 Gitarrenkünstler
Für den Gitarrenunterricht der Unterstufe
for: 1–4 guitars
Music score
Item no.: 182939
20 unsterbliche Melodien – eine Hommage an den größten Nationalkomponisten Irlands
für zwei Gitarren
for: 2 guitars
Ensemble score (with standard notation and tabs), CD
Item no.: 666559
leicht/mittelschwer arrangiert für vier Gitarren
for: 4 guitars (quartet)
Score, Parts
Item no.: 615795
for: 2 guitars
Item no.: 199160
für Melodie- und Begleitgitarre
Alpenländische Volksmusik für Gitarre 4
for: 2 classical guitars
Ensemble score
Item no.: 294769
for: Guitar ensemble
Score, Parts
Item no.: 125158
Neue Karl Scheit Gitarren Edition
for: 2 guitars
Score, Set of parts
Item no.: 617954
Ein Unterrichtswerk vom Anfang bis zur Meisterschaft
for: 1–2 guitars
Music score
Item no.: 392969
for: 2 guitars
Ensemble score
Item no.: 128021
for: 4 guitars (quartet)
Score, Parts
Item no.: 125153
aus "Jane Pickering's Lute Book" (1616)
for: 2 guitars
Sheet music, audio files
Item no.: 1433
Leichte Gitarrenduos für Schüler und Lehrer
for: 2 guitars
Music score
Item no.: 622233
for: 4 guitars (quartet)
Score, Parts
Item no.: 1113464
for: 4 guitars (quartet)
Set of parts
Item no.: 1584006
Original Cis-Dur
for: 2 guitars
Score, Parts
Item no.: 636835
für zwei Gitarren
for: 2 guitars
Score, Parts
Item no.: 679860
für 3 Gitarren
Partitur und Stimmen
for: 3 guitars
Score, part
Item no.: 586569
Blue and Rhythmic Duets.
for: 1–2 guitars
Ensemble score
Item no.: 283226