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Vocal Training – Sheet Music, Books & Scores

Sing Pop A Cappella - Book Three, GCh4

Ain't No Sunshine

Sing Pop A Cappella - Book Three

An indispensable Guide for unaccompanied Choirs

for: Mixed choir (SATB) a cappella

Music score, online playback

Item no.: 636329

22.99  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
E. Crocker: Sound Patterns for Changing Voi, Schlch (Schülh)
Emily Crocker

Sound Patterns for Changing Voices

Sequential Sight-Reading in the Choral Classroom
Student Edition

for: School choir

Students book

Item no.: 796617

7.50  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
C.L. Reid: The Free Voice, Stim (Bu)
Cornelius Lawrence Reid

The Free Voice

A Guide to Natural Singing

for: Voice

Book (softcover)

Item no.: 873822

52.85  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 3–5 weeks
B. Richter: Die Stimme, Ges (DVD)
Bernhard Richter, Michael Burdumy, Louisa Traser

The Voice

Insights into the Physiology of Singing and Speakin…
160 Min. Videos for PC/Mac on DVD (german/english)

for: Voice

DVD-ROM (learning video)

Item no.: 667358

43.90  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
In stock. Delivery time: 1–3 working days (de)
T.B. Dahl: The Choir, Ch (BuHc)
Tone Bianca Dahl

The Choir

Singing – Leading – Communicating

for: Choir

Book (Hardcover)

Item no.: 551288

39.50  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
T. de Brett: Discover Your Voice, Ges (+CD)
Tona de Brett

Discover Your Voice

Exercises for Singers of all Styles
Learn to Sing from Rock to Classic

for: Voice

Music score, Playback-CD

Item no.: 177943

32.00  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
In stock. Delivery time: 1–3 working days (de)
Great Singers on the Art of Singing, Ges (Bu)

Great Singers on the Art of Singing

Reprint of selections from Vocal Mastery, Frederick A. Stokes Co., New York, 1920, and Great Singers on the Art of Singing, Theo. Presser, Philadelphia, 1921

for: Voice

Book (softcover)

Item no.: 244821

18.70  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
R. Eckert: Singing with Expression, Ges


Rosana Eckert

Singing with Expression

A Guide to authentic and adventurous Song Interpretation
Book & Online Audio

for: Voice

Music lesson book, online playback

Item no.: 772897

24.99  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
The Rock-N-Roll Singer's Survival Manual, Ges

The Rock-N-Roll Singer's Survival Manual


for: Voice


Item no.: 368749

31.50  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 3–5 weeks
S. Gamarro: Cantare Italiano (Bch)
Sara Gamarro

Cantare Italiano

The Language of Opera

Study book

Item no.: 776023

21.50  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
In stock. Delivery time: 1–3 working days (de)
Schubert's Winter Journey (Bu)
Ian Bostridge

Schubert's Winter Journey

Anatomy of an Obsession

Item no.: 1699996

23.50  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
In stock. Delivery time: 1–3 working days (de)
J. Jordan: Choral Ensemble Intonation Exercises, Ch (Chpa)
James Jordan, Matthew Mehaffey

Choral Ensemble Intonation Exercises

Intonation exercises for Choirs

for: Choir

Choir score

Item no.: 1150597

5.10  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 3–5 weeks
Der Countertenor (Bu)

Der Countertenor

Die männliche Falsettstimme vom Mittelalter zur Gegenwart
Schott Campus

Book (softcover)

Item no.: 612581

52.00  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
In stock. Delivery time: 1–3 working days (de)
G. Gilpin: Concert Chorals for Unison Voi, Ch1Klav (+medonl)
Greg Gilpin

Concert Chorals for Unison Voices

16 Chorals for the Developing Choir of Any Age

for: Choir (one voice), piano

Music score, online media

Item no.: 1582122

82.50  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
P. Marafioti: Caruso's Method of Voice Production, Ges (Bch)
P.M. Marafioti

Caruso's Method of Voice Production

The Scientific Culture of the Voice
Reprint of the D. Appleton & Company, New York, 1922 edition

for: Voice

Study book

Item no.: 246473

23.10  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
F. Trüün: Sing Sang Song III, JchKlav (Chpa)

Hawaii Start Up

Friedhilde Trüün

Sing Sang Song III

Praktische Stimmbildung für 4-8jährige Kinder in 10 Geschichten
Chorpartitur – editionchor

for: Youth choir, piano

Choir score

Item no.: 678155

12.50  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
In stock. Delivery time: 1–3 working days (de)
R. Miller: Training Soprano Voices (BuHc)
Richard Miller

Training Soprano Voices

Book (Hardcover)

Item no.: 614298

109.90  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 3–5 weeks
Reflect! (Bu)
Silke Kruse-Weber


Strengthening competencies through playful self-determination for instrumental and vocal music teachers

Item no.: 1698346

34.90  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
In stock. Delivery time: 1–3 working days (de)
Overtone Singing (Bu)
Mark van Tongeren

Overtone Singing

Harmonic Dimensions of the Human Voice

Item no.: 1699308

29.00  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 1–2 months
J. Clayton: Sing Your Story, Ges (+CD)

Intros: 4-bar

Jay Clayton

Sing Your Story

A Practical Guide for Learning and Teaching. The Art of Jazz Singing

for: Voice

Music lesson book, playback-CD

Item no.: 143350

24.95  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
In stock. Delivery time: 1–3 working days (de)
Die Oper (Bu)
Alan Riding, Leslie Dunton-Downer

Die Oper

Eine Zeitreise in opulenten Bildern. 400 Jahre Operngeschichte in einem Bildband, mit Fotografien und Portraits der Opernstars

Item no.: 1697487

49.95  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
In stock. Delivery time: 1–3 working days (de)
Waking & Warming up (Bu)
Panda van Proosdij

Waking & Warming up

for singers and choirs

Item no.: 1698674

28.50  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
In stock. Delivery time: 1–3 working days (de)
A. Peckham: The Contemporary Singer, Ges (+OnlAu)

Track 57

Anne Peckham

The Contemporary Singer – Elements of Vocal Technique

Berklee Guide

for: Voice

Music lesson book, online audio

Item no.: 659200

37.50  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
E. Crocker: Sound Patterns for Changi, Schlch (Lehrb+onlAud)
Emily Crocker

Sound Patterns for Changing Voices

Sequential Sight-Reading in the Choral Classroom
Teacher Edition

for: School choir

Teacher's manual, online audio

Item no.: 796614

104.99  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
K.M. Mitchell: Basix - Rock Singing Techniques, Ges (+CD)

All Night, All Day

Kevin M. Mitchell, Karen Farnum Surmani

Basix – Rock Singing Techniques

Everything a rock singer needs! Voice-strengthening exercises, songs that will extend your range, a list of equipment you need to sing with a band, and the low-down on what to expect when singing live

for: Voice

Music lesson book, playback-CD

Item no.: 216805

17.95  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
K. Ploog: Voice Coaching, Ges (+CD)

Exercise 1

Karin Ploog

Voice Coaching

Voicecoaching: The Training Concept for a better Voice

for: Voice

Music lesson book, playback-CD

Item no.: 583656

24.95  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Currently not available. Delivery time unknown.
D. Rao: We Will Sing! (Bu)
Doreen Rao

We Will Sing!

Choral Music Experience for Classroom Choirs

for: Children's Choir


Item no.: 188732

42.95  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
In stock. Delivery time: 1–3 working days (de)
Befreie Deine Stimme (Bu)
Carlo Mausini, Carlo Mausini

Befreie Deine Stimme

Spielerisch und kreativ

Item no.: 1700371

19.95  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
In stock. Delivery time: 1–3 working days (de)
T. Baumann: Stimmbilder 2, Ges (KartenBch)
Tjark Baumann

Stimmbilder 2

20 Bildkarten für Chor, Gesangs- und Stimmbildungsunterricht

for: Voice

Cards (teaching material), study book

Item no.: 1717666

24.90  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
In stock. Delivery time: 1–3 working days (de)
L'Art Vocal, Ges/Ch (Bu)

L'Art Vocal

30 Lecons De Chant

for: Voice [choir]


Item no.: 833679

23.70  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
F. Wüllner: Chorübungen 2, Ch
Franz Wüllner

Chorübungen 2

Zweite Stufe

for: Choir

Music score

Item no.: 1586385

27.50  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
In stock. Delivery time: 1–3 working days (de)


Die physische Natur des Stimmorgans

Item no.: 352842

46.00  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
Popvocals - der Weg zur eigenen Stimme (Bu)
Nikola Materne

Popvocals - der Weg zur eigenen Stimme

Finde deinen Stil und deinen Ausdruck

Item no.: 1700175

9.95  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
In stock. Delivery time: 1–3 working days (de)
F. Wüllner: Chorübungen 1, Ch
Franz Wüllner

Chorübungen 1

Erste Stufe

for: Choir

Music score

Item no.: 564029

19.95  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
In stock. Delivery time: 1–3 working days (de)
G. Escoffier: Mise en voix des ch_urs, Ch (Chpa)
Georges Escoffier

Mise en voix des chœurs

179 formulettes variées et vivantes pour développer la vigilance aux voyelles

for: Choir

Choir score

Item no.: 1559195

18.50  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
Augen zu und singen! (Bu)
Nadin Isu

Augen zu und singen!

Warum Singen so wichtig für dein Leben ist und wie du es lernen kannst

Item no.: 1697697

15.00  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
In stock. Delivery time: 1–3 working days (de)
Jugend¿Chor¿Leitung (Bu)
Eva-Maria Leeb


Impulse für eine ansprechende und erfolgreiche Jugendchorarbeit

Item no.: 1699286

22.00  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
In stock. Delivery time: 1–3 working days (de)
Nachklänge. Instrumente der griechischen Klassik und ih (Bu)
Conrad Steinmann

Nachklänge. Instrumente der griechischen Klassik und ihre Musik

Materialien und Zeugnisse von Homer bis heute.

Item no.: 1699518

58.00  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
In stock. Delivery time: 1–3 working days (de)
R. Göstl: Faszination Kinderchor, Ges (Bu)
Robert Göstl

Faszination Kinderchor

Inspirieren – Klang formen – Zukunft gestalten

for: Voice

Book (softcover)

Item no.: 1556477

28.00  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
In stock. Delivery time: 1–3 working days (de)
H. Lemmermann: Allegro (Lehrer)
Heinz Lemmermann


100 Lieder für offene Ohren

Teachers book

Item no.: 475786

17.90  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
In stock. Delivery time: 1–3 working days (de)
Reflect! (Bu)
Silke Kruse-Weber


Ein Beobachtungs- und Reflexionstool für Instrumental- und Gesangslehrende

Item no.: 1697704

34.90  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
In stock. Delivery time: 1–3 working days (de)
L. Romanoff: Stars und Sternchen, Ges (+CD)

Ich bin der wilde Pustegeist

Lena Romanoff, Jürgen Jacob

Stars und Sternchen

Eine Gesangsschule mit lustigen Popsongs und dem singenden Frosch Quakuso (mit CD)

for: Voice

Study book (without notes), Playback-CD

Item no.: 272315

18.00  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
In stock. Delivery time: 1–3 working days (de)
H. Lemmermann: Allegro (CD)

Lob der Faulheit

Heinz Lemmermann


Demo-CD mit einer Auswahl von 26 Liedern zum gleichnamigen Liederbuch


Item no.: 160506

5.00  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–5 working days (de)
Der Vokalbaum (Bu)
Juliane Berg, Eleonore Gerhaher

Der Vokalbaum

Ein Stimmbildungsbuch

Item no.: 1699733

24.90  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
In stock. Delivery time: 1–3 working days (de)
AQ: A. Mohr: Lieder, Spiele, Kanons, Ges (Bch) (B-Ware)
with slight signs of use
Andreas Mohr

Lieder, Spiele, Kanons

Stimmbildung in Kindergarten und Grundschule

for: Voice

Study book

Item no.: 1815014

41.00  € –33 %
27.60  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
In stock. Delivery time: 1–3 working days (de)
... wer nichts weiß, übt dumm!
Renate Faltin

... wer nichts weiß, übt dumm!

Anleitungen zum Üben klassischen Gesangs

Item no.: 1833141

34.80  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
In stock. Delivery time: 1–3 working days (de)
49 Alltagstipps zum StimmErfolg (Bu)
Miriam Meyer

49 Alltagstipps zum StimmErfolg

Item no.: 1699456

16.80  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
In stock. Delivery time: 1–3 working days (de)
J. Bonnardot: Le professeur de chant, Ges (Bu)
Jacqueline Bonnardot

Le professeur de chant

Un luthier qui construit une voix

for: Voice


Item no.: 214272

22.60  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
Verband deutscher MusikschulenBundesverband der Freien MusikschulenJeunesses Musicales DeutschlandFrankfurter Tonkünstler-BundBundes­verb­and deutscher Lieb­haber-OrchesterStützpunkt­händ­ler der Wiener Urtext Edition

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