David Uber (b. 1921)

Festival Fanfare #1

D. Uber: Festival Fanfare #1, 4Trp (Pa+St) (0)D. Uber: Festival Fanfare #1, 4Trp (Pa+St) (1)D. Uber: Festival Fanfare #1, 4Trp (Pa+St) (2)
4 trumpets
Product type:
Score, Parts
Item no.:
Author / Composer:
2:00 minutes
Publisher / Producer:
Producer No.:
KN 17269


This brilliant, flashy fanfare was conceived as a festival opener for both indoor and outdoor events. Each Trumpet player is assigned solo and ensemble entrances in a piece that’s rich in rhythmic details and harmonic color. A spirited tempo prevails in all but eight bars, a dolce interlude which provides essential contrast before the concluding statement.

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Kendor Music Publishing, 1525 S. Florida Ave. STE 4, 33803 Lakeland, FL, US, [email protected]

Responsible person in the EU

mds GmbH, Carl-Zeiss-Str. 1, 55129 Mainz, DE, [email protected]

13.50  €
incl. VAT, plus shipping
In stock. Delivery time: 1–3 working days (Germany)
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