The Piano Guys: Wonders

for cello and piano

The Piano Guys - Wonders, VcKlav (KlavpaSt) (0)The Piano Guys - Wonders, VcKlav (KlavpaSt) (1)The Piano Guys - Wonders, VcKlav (KlavpaSt) (2)The Piano Guys - Wonders, VcKlav (KlavpaSt) (3)The Piano Guys - Wonders, VcKlav (KlavpaSt) (4)
Cello, piano
Product type:
Piano score, solo part
Item no.:
Performer / Artist:
120/30 pages; 23 × 30.5 cm
Release year:
Publisher / Producer:
Producer No.:


The Piano Guys' 2014 release debuted at the top of the New Age albums chart and also topped the Classical Albums, Classical Crossover Albums and Internet Albums and also took them into the top 12 on the Billboard 200 for the first time. It features 12 more of their unique and creative arrangements.

This book features piano arrangements with separate pull-out cello part.


  • Story of my Life
  • Let it go
  • Ants marching - Ode to Joy
  • Father's Eyes
  • Kung Fu Piano : Cello Ascends
  • Summer Jam
  • Batman Evolution
  • Don't You worry Child
  • Home
  • The Mission - How great Thou art
  • Because of You
  • Pictures at an Exhibition

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Hal Leonard Europe B.V., Postbus 744, 8440 AS Heerenveen, NL, [email protected]

34.99  €
incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
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