Beliebte Melodien & Hits aus Film und TV
for: Ukulele; voice ad lib.
Songbook (melody, lyrics, chords)
Item no.: 655911
113 alte und neue Kinderlieder für die Kita und zuhause, leicht arrangiert für Gesang und Ukulele
for: Voice, ukulele
Item no.: 1340637
113 alte und neue Kinderlieder für die Kita und zuhause, leicht arrangiert für Gesang und Gitarre
for: Voice, guitar [ukulele]
Item no.: 1340551
113 alte und neue Kinderlieder für die Kita und zuhause, leicht arrangiert für Gesang und Gitarre oder Ukulele.
Im großen Notenformat mit Spiralbindung.
for: Voice, guitar [ukulele]
Songbook (spiral binding)
Item no.: 1340552
100 deutsche Hits leicht arrangiert für Gesang und Gitarre oder Ukulele
Liederbücher für Alt und Jung
for: Voice, guitar [ukulele]
Item no.: 781150
49 traditionelle und deutsche Kinderlieder
for: Ukulele; voice ad lib.
Songbook (vocal, guitar TABs and chords)
Item no.: 667248
Music from the Motion Picture Soundtrack
for: Ukulele; voice ad lib.
Music score (melody, chords, lyrics)
Item no.: 1532933
And other songs in 3/4 Time
89 Fabulous Favorites
for: Ukulele; voice ad lib.
Music score (anthology), online audio (playback)
Item no.: 692005
für Singstimme und Keyboard (Klavier/Gitarre/Ukulele)
mit Texten und Akkorden
for: Voice, piano [guitar/keyboard/ukulele]
Songbook PVG (Piano/Vocal/Guitar)
Item no.: 683705
Folk aus den USA
for: Ukulele [guitar ],; voice ad lib.
Songbook (melody, lyrics, chords)
Item no.: 630902
songbook lyrics/chords
for: Ukulele; voice ad lib.
Item no.: 649910
24 Songs for Children
for: Ukulele; voice ad lib.
Songbook (melody, lyrics, guitar grips)
Item no.: 692882
20 Beatles-Songs
for: Ukulele; voice ad lib.
Songbook (melody, lyrics, chords)
Item no.: 678010
2017's 14 best songs come together in this collection of hits!
for: Voice, ukulele
Songbook PVG (Piano/Vocal/Guitar)
Item no.: 672570
20 songs from seven hit movies for vocals and ukulele
for: Voice, ukulele
Item no.: 682267
for ukulele
Music from the Motion Picture Soundtrack
for: Ukulele; voice ad lib.
Music score
Item no.: 685450
20 Chill Songs to Strum & Sing
for: Ukulele; voice ad lib.
Songbook (melody, lyrics, guitar grips)
Item no.: 690256
Ya mon! 20 Marley favorites to strum on your uke
for: Ukulele; voice ad lib.
Songbook (melody, lyrics, chords)
Item no.: 635219
80 Charthits für Ukulele
(mit Melodielinie, Text und Akkorden)
for: Ukulele; voice ad lib.
Songbook (melody, lyrics, chords)
Item no.: 666826
Beliebte Melodien & Hits aus Film und TV
for: Ukulele; voice ad lib.
Songbook (melody, lyrics, chords)
Item no.: 769047
100 Chart Hits für Ukulele
(mit Texten und Akkorden)
for: Ukulele; voice ad lib.
Songbook (melody, lyrics, chords)
Item no.: 680181
100 leicht arrangierte Folksongs und Volkslieder für Gesang und Ukulele
for: Voice, ukulele
Songbook (melody, chords, lyrics)
Item no.: 665375
Complete Lyrics & Chords to over 130 Classics
for: Ukulele; voice ad lib.
Songbook (with lyrics and chords – without notes)
Item no.: 1860873
Die größten Hits von ABBA arrangiert für Ukulele
for: Voice, ukulele
Songbook (melody, lyrics, chords)
Item no.: 675589
Mit Melodielinie, Text und Akkorden
for: Ukulele; voice ad lib.
Songbook (melody, lyrics, chords)
Item no.: 1013055
for: Ukulele; voice ad lib.
Songbook (melody, lyrics, chords)
Item no.: 771060
30 Favorites to Strum & Sing
(with lyrics and chords)
for: Ukulele; voice ad lib.
Songbook (melody, lyrics, chords)
Item no.: 681352
for: Ukulele; voice ad lib.
Music score (melody, chords, lyrics)
Item no.: 796618
Songs of Unity, Courage & Hope
for: Ukulele; voice ad lib.
Songbook (melody, lyrics, chords)
Item no.: 796913
50 der bekanntesten internationalen Schlager
for: Ukulele; voice ad lib.
Songbook (melody, lyrics, guitar grips)
Item no.: 692645
15 Hot Singles
for: Ukulele; voice ad lib.
Songbook (with lyrics, chords and chord charts)
Item no.: 692571
Complete Lyrics & Chords to over 130 Classics
for: Ukulele; voice ad lib.
Songbook (with lyrics and chords – without notes)
Item no.: 685508
20 Classics to strum and sing for Ukulele
Songbook melody/lyrics/uke chords
for: Ukulele; voice ad lib.
Songbook (melody, lyrics, chords)
Item no.: 674974
(Ukulele Chord Songbook)
for: Voice, ukulele
Songbook (with lyrics and chords – without notes)
Item no.: 1858644
Music from the Motion Picture Soundtrack
for: Ukulele; voice ad lib.
Songbook (melody, lyrics, chords)
Item no.: 691906
for: Ukulele; voice ad lib.
Songbook (vocal, guitar TABs and chords)
Item no.: 640951
20 Massive Singles
European Edition
for: Ukulele; voice ad lib.
Songbook (melody, lyrics, chords)
Item no.: 796607
100 weitere Popsongs leicht arrangiert für Gesang und Ukulele
Sing mit: die Hits und Oldies für coole Feten
for: Voice, ukulele
Songbook (melody, chords, lyrics)
Item no.: 817190
for: Ukulele; voice ad lib.
Songbook (vocal, guitar TABs and chords)
Item no.: 623123
Songbook mit 12 Adele-Hits
for: Ukulele; voice ad lib.
Item no.: 673252
Acht Pop-Hits für Ukulele (mit Texten und Akkorden)
Ukulele Play-Along Volume 1
for: Ukulele; voice ad lib.
Music score, Playback-CD
Item no.: 582647
Fifteen ingenious Songs for Voice and Ukulele
for: Voice, ukulele
Music score (with tabs), online playback
Item no.: 675240
For Ukulele
for: Ukulele; voice ad lib.
Songbook PVG (Piano/Vocal/Guitar)
Item no.: 687334
20 Favorites to Strum and Sing on Ukulele
for: Ukulele; voice ad lib.
Songbook (melody, lyrics, chords)
Item no.: 697448
for: Ukulele; voice ad lib.
Music score (melody, chords, lyrics)
Item no.: 775918
Ukulele Chord Songbook
for: Ukulele; voice ad lib.
Songbook (with lyrics and chords – without notes)
Item no.: 781194
14 Adele songs specially selected and arranged for ukulele
for: Voice, ukulele
Item no.: 604512
17 Songs to Strum & Sing
for: Ukulele; voice ad lib.
Songbook (melody, lyrics, chords)
Item no.: 763484