Arnold Schoenberg (1874 – 1951)

Sämtliche Klavierwerke

A. Schönberg: Sämtliche Klavierwerke, Klav (0)A. Schönberg: Sämtliche Klavierwerke, Klav (1)A. Schönberg: Sämtliche Klavierwerke, Klav (2)A. Schönberg: Sämtliche Klavierwerke, Klav (3)A. Schönberg: Sämtliche Klavierwerke, Klav (4)
Product type:
Music score (Urtext edition)
Item no.:
Author / Composer:
178 pages
Release year:
Publisher / Producer:
Producer No.:
HN 1178


This volume brings together Schönberg’s complete works for piano solo, and thereby presents a wide span from the free atonal pieces of op. 11 to the aphoristic op. 19, the fascinating tone-row experiments of op. 23 to the dodecaphonically conceived works op. 25, 33a & 33b. Additionally, in the appendix, three pieces from 1894 by the twenty-year-old composer provide an astonishing insight into the late-romantic roots of the modern Schönberg. His compositional development can be easily traced in this edition, which incorporates all kinds of milestones of classical modernism alongside thrilling, trailblazing music. Anyone wanting to engage with Schönberg’s piano works should not miss this compendium!


  • Drei Klavierstücke op. 11
  • Sechs kleine Klavierstücke op. 19
  • Fünf Klavierstücke op. 23
  • Suite op. 25
  • Klavierstücke op. 33a & 33b
  • Klavierstücke (1894)
45.00  €
incl. VAT, plus shipping
Instant dispatch. Delivery time: 1–3 working days (Germany)
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