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Andreas Schickentanz

Flexibility for the Modern Trombone

DL: A. Schickentanz: Flexibility for the Moder, Pos (+OnlAu) (0)DL: A. Schickentanz: Flexibility for the Moder, Pos (+OnlAu) (1)DL: A. Schickentanz: Flexibility for the Moder, Pos (+OnlAu) (2)DL: A. Schickentanz: Flexibility for the Moder, Pos (+OnlAu) (3)DL: A. Schickentanz: Flexibility for the Moder, Pos (+OnlAu) (4)DL: A. Schickentanz: Flexibility for the Moder, Pos (+OnlAu) (5)DL: A. Schickentanz: Flexibility for the Moder, Pos (+OnlAu) (6)
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Music lesson book, online audio Download item
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Author / Composer:
178 pages; 21 × 30 cm
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The slide trombone is fundamentally different from other wind instruments.
There are no keys, valves, or anything like that, but the instrument offers us other things, such as a slide that can be used for glissandi, as well as a variety of alternative slide positions that can be used in conjunction with the techniques discussed in this book.

The topic is a specific articulation technique, namely lip slurs between harmonics.

Flexibilities should be used as a tool which enhances and enriches our playing.

This book is for everyone, regardless of style, even if the autor´s jazz background shines through.

There is a link to audio examples for a better understanding.

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Stretta Music GmbH, Ochsenfurter Straße 6, 97246 Eibelstadt, DE, [email protected]

32.00  €
incl. VAT
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