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T. Susato: Two Graces, 4Bfl (Sppa+)
Tielman Susato

Two Graces

Zwei Tischgebete

for: 4 recorders (SAAT/ATTB)

Performance scores

Item no.: 691091

10.90  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
G. Frescobaldi: Canzona, 4Blf (Sppa)
Girolamo Frescobaldi


for: 4 recorders (SAAT)

Ensemble score

Item no.: 355337

6.50  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
In stock. Delivery time: 1–3 working days (de)
DL: J. Offenbach: Pour séduire Alcmène la fièr, 4Blf (Pa+St)
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Jacques Offenbach

Pour séduire Alcmène la fière

Couplets aus "Orpheus in der Unterwelt"

for: 4 recorders (SAAT)

Score, parts (pdf download)

Item no.: 1674

4.50  €incl. VAT
Download product – instantly available.
DL: C. de Rore: Canzona, 4Blf (Pa+St)
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Cipriano de Rore


aus: Tutti i Madrigali di Cipriano di Rore a quattro voci, spartiti et accomodati per sonar d'ogni sorte d'Istrumento perfetto
Venedig 1577
eingerichtet für hohes Blockflötenconsort

for: 4 recorders (SAAT)

Score, parts (pdf download)

Item no.: 6195

7.50  €incl. VAT
Download product – instantly available.
R.B. Meyer: Solis Canticum, 4Blf (Sppa)

Ventus Aestivus.mp3

Raphael Benjamin Meyer

Solis Canticum

Zwölf Stücke für Blockflötenquartette (SAAT oder TBBGb)

for: 4 recorders (SAAT)

Ensemble score

Item no.: 1642873

27.50  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
In stock. Delivery time: 1–3 working days (de)
Das Blockflötenquartett IV, 4Blf (Pa+St)

The Recorder Quartet IV

Little pieces frrom the 17th and 18th century

for: 4 recorders (SAAT)

Score, Parts

Item no.: 418982

14.00  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
In stock. Delivery time: 1–3 working days (de)
C. Ditters v. Ditter: Notturno, 4Blf (Pa+St)
Carl Ditters von Dittersdorf


for: 4 recorders (SAAT)

Score, Parts

Item no.: 419505

15.00  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 5–10 working days (de)
DL: C. Ditters v. Ditter: Notturno, 4Blf (Pa+St)
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Carl Ditters von Dittersdorf


eingerichtet für Blockflötenquartett (SAAT)

for: 4 recorders (SAAT)

Score, parts (pdf download)

Item no.: 3945

5.00  €incl. VAT
Download product – instantly available.
A. Reicha: Menuetto aus dem Flötenquartett op. , 4Blf (Sppa)
Anton Reicha

Menuetto from the quartet for 4 flutes op. 12

aus dem Flötenquartett

for: 4 recorders (SAAT)

Ensemble score

Item no.: 355472

4.00  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
In stock. Delivery time: 1–3 working days (de)
DL: J.P. Sweelinck: Variationen, 4Blf (Sppa)
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Jan Pieterszoon Sweelinck

Variations on an Old German Song

("Mein junges Leben hat ein End")
Edition Schott

for: 4 recorders (SAAT)

Ensemble score

Item no.: 748806

4.99  €incl. VAT
Download product – instantly available.
DL: T. Crecquillon: 3 Chansons, 4Blf
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Thomas Crecquillon

3 Chansons

Edition Schott

for: 4 recorders (SAAT)

Sheet music

Item no.: 782191

6.99  €incl. VAT
Download product – instantly available.
DL: G. Frescobaldi: Canzona, 4Blf (Sppa)
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Girolamo Frescobaldi


for: 4 recorders (SAAT)

Ensemble score

Item no.: 731353

4.99  €incl. VAT
Download product – instantly available.
E. Ziesmann: Fantasia rockica (2001), 4Blf (Pa+St)
Egon Ziesmann

Fantasia rockica (2001)

Zeitschrift für Spielmusik

for: 4 recorders (SAAT)

Score, Set of parts

Item no.: 194148

5.00  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 5–10 working days (de)
Placeholder image
Giovanni Pierluigi da Palestrina

Ricercari sopra li tuoni 1

Ensemble Music for Recorders

for: 4 recorders (SAAT/ATTB)

Score, Parts

Item no.: 314106

18.92  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 5–10 working days (de)
Placeholder image
Terence Greaves

Miniature Quartet

The Contemporary Recorder Series

for: 4 recorders (SAAT)

Score, Parts

Item no.: 779356

13.10  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
In stock. Delivery time: 1–3 working days (de)
H.U. Staeps: Kerstmiss - Kleine Festmusik Zum 2, 4Blf (Sppa)
Hans Ulrich Staeps

Kerstmiss - Kleine Festmusik Zum 24 Dezember

for: 4 recorders (SAAT)

Ensemble score

Item no.: 150117

4.00  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
In stock. Delivery time: 1–3 working days (de)
Verband deutscher MusikschulenBundesverband der Freien MusikschulenJeunesses Musicales DeutschlandFrankfurter Tonkünstler-BundBundes­verb­and deutscher Lieb­haber-OrchesterStützpunkt­händ­ler der Wiener Urtext Edition

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