153 Klavierstücke, vom allerersten Anfang an
for: Piano
Music score
Item no.: 646478
Das Lied der Völker Band 6
for: Voice, piano
Music score
Item no.: 287405
Spielt dein schönes Haar im Sommmerwind
for: gemischter Chor (SATB) a cappella; Instrumente ad libitum
Sheet music
Item no.: 1582196
for: Piano
Music lesson book
Item no.: 312725
für gemischten Chor (SATB) a cappella
Pop.Voxx Series
for: Mixed choir (SATB) a cappella
Item no.: 670971
in 60 exercises
for: Piano
Sheet music
Item no.: 739033
Letters about Music and the Stage in the 18th Century
Cadernos de Queluz 4 / Specula Spectacula 13
Book (Hardcover)
Item no.: 1009174
Acht Chorstücke und Chorarrangements für gemischte Stimmen SATB a cappella
mit Klavierstimme zu Übungszwecken
Helbling Choral Collections
for: Mixed choir (SATB) a cappella
Choir book
Item no.: 658686
Discovery Level 1
for: Choir (2 voices), piano
Choir score
Item no.: 802050
Item no.: 1762210
Item no.: 1765059
A Fable About Following Your Dream
Item no.: 1766136
In Ricardo Matosinhos’ first book of etudes, he has set a new standard in how to practice different techniques on the horn while still having fun!
Brass Methods Books Series
for: Horn
Music score
Item no.: 643048
Item no.: 1778151
A Contemporary Quest for Ancient Wisdom
Item no.: 1756268
Traveller's language kit. Bildwörterbuch
Item no.: 1760127
Levels 3-4
for: Snare drum
Music lesson book
Item no.: 162860
for: Mixed choir, piano
Choir score
Item no.: 343116
Item no.: 1765057
Item no.: 1770066
Educational Series
Propercussion Brasil
for: Percussion
Music score
Item no.: 462545
Theory and Practice 2. Full Board School
for: Guitar
Sheet music
Item no.: 749799
Item no.: 1739701
Mit Portugal. Inkl. Transitpläne, Ortsverzeichnis und Reiseinformationen
Item no.: 1778125
Brass Method Books Series
for: 2 horns
Ensemble score
Item no.: 1697411
Complete Chronicles
Item no.: 1749177
Item no.: 1835083
Wanderkartenset mit zwei Blättern und Beiheft
Item no.: 1759203
Inkl. Transitpläne, Ortsverzeichnis und Reiseinformationen
Item no.: 1766160
Interaktive Musik-Lernsoftware
Für alle Smartphones, Tablets, Laptops und Computer!
for: Descant recorder
Method (App), descant recorder (instrument with german fingering)
Item no.: 677638
Brass Method Book Series
for: Horn
Music score
Item no.: 1697407
A Method for Mandolin and Bandolim
for: Mandolin
Study book (with online audio)
Item no.: 605513
Item no.: 1818629
for: Latin percussion
Music lesson book, CD, DVD
Item no.: 768621
Item no.: 1717822
Mit Costa del Sol. Inkl. Stadtpläne, Ortsverzeichnis und Reiseinformationen
Item no.: 1805916
Inklusive Infoguide mit Ausflugszielen
Item no.: 1807407
Item no.: 1778006
Theory and Practice 1. Full Board School
for: Guitar
Sheet music
Item no.: 755817
Interaktive Musik-Lernsoftware
Für alle Smartphones, Tablets, Laptops und Computer!
for: Descant recorder
Method (App), descant recorder (instrument with baroque fingering)
Item no.: 677635
Interaktive Musik-Lernsoftware
Für alle Smartphones, Tablets, Laptops und Computer!
for: Descant recorder
Method (App), descant recorder (instrument with baroque fingering)
Item no.: 678367
Item no.: 1807156
Item no.: 1836147
Interaktive Musik-Lernsoftware
Für alle Smartphones, Tablets, Laptops und Computer!
for: Descant recorder
Method (App), descant recorder (instrument with german fingering)
Item no.: 677637
in 40 exercises. Reduced edition for beginners
for: Piano
Sheet music
Item no.: 756851
Item no.: 1817366
Complete theoretical and practical method for organ-playing in three parts
Edition Schott
for: Organ
Sheet music
Item no.: 736889
Brasilianische Kinderlieder
for: Singstimme, Blockflöten und Schlagzeug
Item no.: 351682