Kantaten aus dem Osterfestkreis
Bärenreiter Urtext
for: Voice (high), melody instrument, basso continuo
Score, Set of parts
Item no.: 444380
aus der Lüneburger Orgeltabulatur (17. Jh.)
for: Organ
Sheet music
Item no.: 3421
for: Organ
Sheet music
Item no.: 4259
aus der Pfingstkantate BWV 68 "Also hat Gott die Welt geliebet"
for: Voice (alto), piano
Sheet music
Item no.: 760348
Mass ordinary and Latin 9th century "Veni Creator Spiritus"
for: Mixed choir (SATB), organ [string orchestra, piano]
Organ score
Item no.: 687237
aus der"Pfingstkantate" BWV 68
Hosianna 18
for: Voice (high), piano
Music score
Item no.: 105977
for: Organ
Music score
Item no.: 697494
"Collection pour grand orgue"
D'apres la = Declaracion de Instrumentos Musicales 1555
for: Organ
Music score
Item no.: 639199
Lateinische Hymnen
for: Mixed choir (SAATB) a cappella
Item no.: 295312
"Collection pour grand orgue"
for: Organ
Music score
Item no.: 639227
Christi Himmelfahrt / Pfingsten
Vor- und Nachspiele, Meditationen, Concerti
for: Organ
Music score
Item no.: 778427
Geistliche Musik
for: Organ
Music score
Item no.: 327301
for: 4 soloists (SATB), mixed choir (SATB), orchestra, organ
Piano reduction
Item no.: 234930
for: Organ
Music score
Item no.: 489666
Contenant une Messe et quatre Hymnes pour les principales festes de l'année
Archives des Maitres de l'orgue
for: Organ
Music score
Item no.: 287772
sur le thème du "Veni creator" op. 4
pour orgue
for: Organ
Music score
Item no.: 283701
eingerichtet für Blockflötenquartett
for: 4 recorders (SATB quartet)
Score, parts (pdf download)
Item no.: 1813
Band 3: Große konzertante Werke
for: Organ
Item no.: 620688
L'Organiste Liturgique 14
for: Organ manuals [harmonium]
Music score
Item no.: 638398
Heft 3: Pfingsten – Ende des Kirchenjahres
for: Organ (manuals)
Music score
Item no.: 496508
Andreas Willscher - Orgelwerke Band 1
for: Organ
Music score
Item no.: 478826
Atin Motets Choral Series
for: Mixed choir (SSAATTBB) a cappella
Choir score
Item no.: 490393
aus: "Sacrae Cantionies Quinis Vocibus Concinendae..."
Venezia, 1605
for: Mixed choir (SSATB) a cappella
Item no.: 4266
Choralvorspiele und Orgelchoräle Band 3: Ostern, Himmelfahrt, Pfingsten, Michaelis
Edition Schott
for: Organ
Sheet music
Item no.: 726981
for: Organ
Music score
Item no.: 606387
Choräle aus Kantaten
aus der Sammlung "Choralgesänge" und der Motette "Jesu, meine Freude" BWV 227
for: 4 recorders (SATB quartet)
Spielpartitur, Sammelband
Item no.: 117693
EG 75-134, Auswahl
Choralvorspiele zum Evangelischen Gesangbuch 2 (1993/95)
for: Organ
Spielpartitur, Sammelband
Item no.: 183419
Fünf neue Choralsonaten aus der Feder des Kirchenmusikers Felix Bräuer
Orgelmusik für viele Gelegenheiten (Pfingsten, Marienmonate, Trauerfeiern u.v.m.)
for: Organ
Music score (spiral binding)
Item no.: 660466
for: Mixed choir (SATB), organ
Item no.: 1017481
für Solostimmen (SATB), Chor, Streicher und Basso continuo (Theorbe / Orgel)
for: Soloists (SATB), mixed choir, string-instrument, basso continuo
Item no.: 184323
"Symphonie der Tausend"
Mahler - Gesamtausgabe 8
Nach dem Text der Kritischen Gesamtausgabe. Herausgegeben von der Internationalen Gustav Mahler Gesellschaft, Wien
for: Solists, boys’ choir, mixed choir, orchestra
Conductor score
Item no.: 577389
Kantate (1. Pfingstfesttag, Pfingstsonntag)
for: 3 soloists (ATB), mixed choir (SATB), orchestra, basso continuo
Choir score
Item no.: 171918
Choirbook for Pentecost and Other Occasions
– Volume discounts available –
for: Mixed choir (SATB) a cappella; organ ad lib.
Choir book (anthology)
Item no.: 1633843
For God Has Loved the World so Well
Eulenburg Miniature Scores
for: 2 Solostimmen, Chor und Orchester
Study score
Item no.: 749284
Gesänge zur Firmung
for: Choir (1-4 voices); piano ad lib.
Score (anthology)
Item no.: 631931
Cantata for Whit Sunday BWV 74
after the second setting by Bach
Stuttgarter Bach-Ausgaben
for: 4 soloists (SATB), mixed choir (SATB), orchestra, basso continuo
Piano reduction (Urtext edition)
Item no.: 233224
aus der Pfingstkantate BWV 68 "Also hat Gott die Welt geliebet"
Hosianna 19
for: Voice (alto), piano
Piano reduction
Item no.: 105978
Kantate zum 3. Pfingsttag
Stuttgarter Bach-Ausgaben (durchgesehene Neuauflage)
for: 3 soloists (SAT), mixed choir (SATB), orchestra, basso continuo
Piano reduction
Item no.: 234028
for: Voice (soprano), piano
Sheet music
Item no.: 739932
Kantate zum 3. Pfingsttag
Stuttgarter Bach-Ausgaben (durchgesehene Neuauflage)
for: 3 soloists (SAT), mixed choir (SATB), orchestra, basso continuo
Item no.: 234027
Kantate (1. Pfingstfesttag, Pfingstsonntag)
for: 3 soloists (ATB), mixed choir (SATB), orchestra, basso continuo
Piano reduction
Item no.: 285428
Eingangschor aus der Kantate zum 2. Pfingsttag
for: Women's choir SS/ SA) [mixed choir (SSB/ SAB)], basso continuo; string instruments (colla parte) ad lib.
Item no.: 366121
Cantata for the 2nd day of Pentecost
Urtext Stuttgarter Bach-Ausgaben
for: 3 soloists (ATB), mixed choir (SATB), orchestra, basso continuo
Study score (Urtext edition)
Item no.: 683040
Cantata for Whit Sunday BWV 74
after the second setting by Bach
Stuttgarter Bach-Ausgaben
for: 4 soloists (SATB), mixed choir (SATB), orchestra, basso continuo
Score (Urtext edition)
Item no.: 233223
Scripture: John 14:15-17
Choral Essentials
for: Mixed choir (SAB) a cappella
Choir score
Item no.: 902596
Kantate zum 1. Pfingstfesttag (Pfingstsonntag)
2. Fassung 1731
for: 4 solo voices (SATB), mixed choir (SATB), baroque orchestra
Piano reduction
Item no.: 285560
Cantata No. 1
Edition Schott
for: gemischter Chor (SATB), 3 (2) Klaviere und Schlagzeug (5 Spieler)
Partitur (= Klavierauszug)
Item no.: 748388
Cantata for the 2nd day of Pentecost
Urtext Stuttgarter Bach-Ausgaben
for: 3 soloists (ATB), mixed choir (SATB), orchestra, basso continuo
Score (Urtext edition)
Item no.: 666939