made of PVC
for: Organ
Pedal keyboard for laying out
Item no.: 1558628
a complete instruction in pedalling
for: Organ
Music lesson book
Item no.: 1208978
Two Classic Guides
Reprint of Guide to the Proper Use of the Pianoforte Pedals , Bosworth & Co., Paris, 1897, and Possibilities of Tone Color by Artistic Use of Pedals, The John Church Co., 1919
for: Piano
Music score
Item no.: 131641
for: Organ
Music score
Item no.: 632949
Musikalische Turnübungen für Manual und Pedal
for: Organ
Music score
Item no.: 564627
zur Erreichung des obligaten Pedalspiels (Technik) (Technique)
for: Organ
Music score
Item no.: 359966
Organ Pedals Alone
for: Organ
Music score
Item no.: 493229
Erfahrungen und Anregungen in Modellen und Literaturbeispielen
for: Piano
Music score
Item no.: 108523
for: Organ
Music score
Item no.: 192315
for: Organ (4 foots)
Ensemble score
Item no.: 213418
32 Studies for Organ Pedal Solo
for: Organ
Music score
Item no.: 1357817
für Orgelpedal solo
for: Organ
Music score
Item no.: 282924
A guide to the use of the sustaining pedal for students of all ages
for: Piano
Study book
Item no.: 931472
for: Drum kit
Music lesson book
Item no.: 609711
A Manual For The Use Of The Piano Pedals
for: Piano
Item no.: 620427
Turn it Up and Lay it Down
for: Drum kit
Music lesson book, playback-CD
Item no.: 486486
An Encyclopedia Of Progressive Rhythmic Techniques
Musicians Institute Press
for: Drum kit
Music lesson book, playback-CD
Item no.: 499825
A comprehensive manual of double bass drumming
for: Drum kit
Music lesson book
Item no.: 261629
for: Organ
Music score
Item no.: 317846
Musicians Institute
Private Lessons Series
for: Drum kit
Music lesson book, online video
Item no.: 647313
(Teaching material)
for: Drum kit
Music lesson book, demo CD
Item no.: 582702
for: Piano
Book (softcover)
Item no.: 877107
The Practical Handbook Updated, Expanded Edition
for: Guitar
Music score, Playback-CD
Item no.: 623118
A method for pedal control on the drumset
for: Drum kit
Music lesson book
Item no.: 397452
for: Drum kit
DVD (learning video)
Item no.: 602829
Double Bass Drum Techniques, Hand & Foot Coordination, Drum Fills and Warm-Up Exercises
for: Drum kit
DVD (learning video)
Item no.: 428478
A Comprehensive Series Of Exercises For Developing Double-Pedal Technique
for: Drum kit
Music lesson book, demo CD
Item no.: 241311
zur Erreichung des obligaten Pedalspiels (Technik) (Technique)
for: Organ
Organ score
Item no.: 359965
29 Stücke für Orgelpedal solo
for: Organ
Music score (anthology)
Item no.: 658135
for: Drum kit
Music score
Item no.: 310637
for: Organ
Item no.: 253819
for: Organ
Item no.: 167885
A Manual for Organists
for: Organ
Item no.: 628067
13 Studien zeitgenössischer Komponisten
for: Organ
Item no.: 113810
Musikpädagogische Bibliothek 44
for: Piano
Item no.: 131760
for: Piano
Music score
Item no.: 324557
Das Pedalspiel
for: Organ
Music lesson book, demo CD
Item no.: 199077
for: Organ
Music score
Item no.: 100746
3 Elementarstücke für Orgel - Pastorale · Gavotte · Reverie
Basic Organ Studies - Heft 5
for: Organ
Item no.: 384760
Six Adjectives: Contented · Whimsical · Angry · Remorseful · Jovial · Confident - für Orgel
Basic Organ Studies - Heft 12
for: Organ
Item no.: 384762
3 kurze Stücke für Orgel
Basic Organ Studies - Heft 13
for: Organ
Item no.: 384763
for: Piano
Music lesson book
Item no.: 324451
Eine Einführung in das Spiel zeitgenössischer Orgelmusik
1. Teil: Das Pedalspiel mit den Fußspitzen allein
for: Organ
Music lesson book
Item no.: 224151
for: Piano
Music lesson book
Item no.: 766219
All in One
Schlagzeugspiel mit Doppelfußmaschine
for: Drum kit
Music lesson book (spiral binding), playback CD
Item no.: 475038
Oberstufe, Pedaltechnik
Vol. 3
for: Timpani
Music lesson book
Item no.: 357117
(The weaker side)
Sviluppo del bilanciamento tecnico
for: Drum kit
Item no.: 972873
Ein Handbuch
Studienbuch Musik
for: Piano
Study book
Item no.: 469437