50 Hits
for: Voice, piano [guitar]
Songbook PVG (Piano/Vocal/Guitar)
Item no.: 476107
Recorder From The Beginning
for: Recorder, Soprano [Descant] Recorder, Piano Accompaniment
Item no.: 144837
sehr leicht bearbeitet
Spiel und Spaß mit der Blockflöte
for: 1–2 treble recorders
Sheet music
Item no.: 728893
45 famous children's tunes for recorder
for: Descant recorder
Buch + CD
Item no.: 280562
for: Piano
Sheet music
Item no.: 755981
Easy Arrangements for Violin with Piano Accompaniment
for: Violin, piano
Piano score, solo part
Item no.: 473691
Berühmte Melodien aus aller Welt in leichtester Spielart für Klavier
Für den ergänzenden Unterricht als auflockernde Abwechslung zu Tonleiter und Etuden
for: Piano
Item no.: 396367
Easy Recorder Trios
Band 2
for: 3 descant recorders
Ensemble score
Item no.: 756817
for: 3 flutes (trio)
Ensemble score
Item no.: 274793
Easy to Play!
Play-Along Ausgabe für Violine. Inkl. CD (Original und Playback-Version).
for: Violin
Music score, Playback-CD
Item no.: 312497
Violin- und Bass-Schlüssel
Die schönsten Evergreens, Schlager, Oldies ...
for: 1–2 melodic instruments (C)
Ensemble score
Item no.: 377530
for: Descant (soprano) recorder, piano
Sheet music
Item no.: 590615
for: Melody instrument (C) [guitar/piano/keyboard]
Music score
Item no.: 415259
Songbook for easy guitar with melody line, lyrics and chords
for: Guitar; voice ad lib.
Songbook (melody, lyrics, chords)
Item no.: 414429
for: Flute
Music score
Item no.: 326755
Songs from 1970-1975
Deluxe Edition
for: Voice, piano [guitar/keyboard]
Songbook PVG (Piano/Vocal/Guitar)
Item no.: 415321
23 beliebte Songs von Elvis bis Phil Collins
for: Guitar
Item no.: 297918
for: Mixed choir (SATB), piano
Item no.: 323289
die besten und schönsten Songs
Item no.: 472711
Easy to Play!
Play-Along Ausgabe für Klarinette. Inkl. CD (Original- und Playback-Version).
for: Clarinet
Music score, Playback-CD
Item no.: 299171
Orirignal & Playbackversion mit Noten
for: Panpipe
Music score, Playback-CD
Item no.: 205557
Easy to Play!
Play-Along Ausgabe für Trompete in Bb. Inkl. CD (Original- und Playback-Version.
for: Trumpet
Music score, Playback-CD
Item no.: 299167
50 Folksongs für Mundharmonika mit 2. Stimme
for: Mouth organ
Item no.: 396921
40 Songs für Klavier
for: Piano
Songbook (piano, chords, text), 2 Playback-CDs
Item no.: 479189
Songs and music featured in The Complete Guitar Player. Includes 'Amazing Grace', 'Where Have All The Flowers Gone? ' and 'And I Love Her'.
for: Guitar
Item no.: 414523
for: Clarinet
Music score
Item no.: 585748
Complete Guitar Player
for: Guitar
Music score (with TABs)
Item no.: 415546
for: Piano
Sheet music
Item no.: 726068
sehr leicht bearbeitet
Spiel und Spaß mit der Blockflöte
for: 1–2 descant recorders
Sheet music
Item no.: 755075
Three's a Crowd
for: Brass ensemble
Item no.: 192371
Complete Lyrics & Chords To Over 140 Classics
for: Voice, guitar
Songbook (with lyrics, chords and guitar grips – without notes)
Item no.: 474991
A collection of Cat Stevens' greatest hits arranged for PVG.
for: Voice, piano [guitar/keyboard]
Songbook PVG (Piano/Vocal/Guitar)
Item no.: 274331
AKKORDEONpur bietet Spezialarrangements im mittleren Schwierigkeitsgrad
for: Accordion
Music score
Item no.: 467712
Traditional (USA)
for: Guitar
Sheet music
Item no.: 758490
Three's a Crowd
for: Violin
Music score
Item no.: 300902
Classic pop hits arranged for harmonica. Includes 'Blowin' In The Wind', 'Bye Bye Love' and 'Hey Jude'.
for: Mouth organ
Item no.: 416026
Traditional (Schottland)
for: Guitar
Sheet music
Item no.: 758491
for: Piano
Sheet music
Item no.: 755982
for: Piano
Sheet music
Item no.: 726069
for: Piano
Sheet music
Item no.: 726067
Acht keltische Songs aus Irland und der Bretagne
Chor aktiv 9
for: Mixed choir (SATB) a cappella
Choir score
Item no.: 216042
for: Voice, piano [guitar/keyboard]
Songbook (melody, lyrics, chords)
Item no.: 414385
Five simple and singable Pop Favourites for two-part young choirs and piano
for: Children's choir, piano
Piano score, Playback-CD
Item no.: 341605
Traditional (USA)
for: Guitar
Sheet music
Item no.: 725083
for: Voice, piano [guitar/keyboard]
Songbook PVG (Piano/Vocal/Guitar)
Item no.: 159785
with additional 2nd part
for: 1–2 treble recorders
Ensemble score, Playback-CD
Item no.: 580828
Traditional aus Schottland
for: Guitar
Sheet music
Item no.: 725091
The Walsh Collection
for: Voice
Item no.: 361773