in der Bearbeitung von Heinrich Ritter von Spengel (1852)
for: Soloists, mixed choir (SATB), strings, organ
Item no.: 1012535
for: Solo voice (Mez), mixed choir (SATB), bandoneon, strings, piano
Piano reduction
Item no.: 300874
for mezzo-soprano, mixed choir, bandoneon, piano and string orchestra
for: Solo voice (Mez), mixed choir (SATB), bandoneon, strings, piano
Item no.: 457392
Reduced Version
for: 2 solo voices (MezBar), mixed choir (SATB), string orchestra, organ; trumpet, harp, kettle drums ad lib.
Choir score
Item no.: 174025
Reduzierte Fassung
for: 2 solo voices (MezBar), mixed choir (SATB), string orchestra, organ; trumpet, harp, kettle drums ad lib.
Item no.: 301277
Reduzierte Fassung
for: 2 solo voices (MezBar), mixed choir (SATB), string orchestra, organ; trumpet, harp, kettle drums ad lib.
Set of parts
Item no.: 301278
Stuttgarter Bach-Ausgaben
for: 4 soloists (SATB), mixed choir (SATB), 2 violins, viola, basso continuo
Score (Urtext edition)
Item no.: 374559
Begräbnismusik in drei Teilen für Singstimmen und Basso continuo
Stuttgarter Schütz-Ausgabe Urtext
for: 8 voices (SSAATTBB), organ, bass; mixed choir (SSATTB), 6 melody instruments colla parte ad lib.
Item no.: 423286
for: Mixed choir (SATB divisi), piano; string quartet ad lib.
Choir score
Item no.: 984499
Stuttgarter Bach-Ausgaben · Urtext
for: 4 soloists (SATB), mixed choir (SATB), 2 violins, viola, bassoon, basso continuo
Piano reduction (Urtext edition)
Item no.: 233890
Operea in three acts
for: Soloists, mixed choir (SATB), strings, basso continuo
Item no.: 342930
Mass ordinary and Latin 9th century "Veni Creator Spiritus"
for: Mixed choir (SATB), organ [string orchestra, piano]
Organ score
Item no.: 687237
Bärenreiter Urtext
for: Soloists, mixed choir, strings, basso continuo
Score (Urtext edition)
Item no.: 1565814
Kantate BuxWV 4
Stuttgarter Buxtehude-Ausgabe
for: 2 soloists (SB), mixed choir (SATB), strings, basso continuo
Score (Urtext edition)
Item no.: 234301
for: 2 mixed choirs (SATB, ATTB), basso continuo; 8 melody instruments colla parte ad lib.
Item no.: 225648
Multi-movement work
for: Mixed choir (SATB), string orchestra, piano
Piano reduction
Item no.: 765820
Stuttgarter Bach-Ausgaben
for: 4 soloists (SATB), mixed choir (SATB), violin, 3 violas, basso continuo
Item no.: 279213
for: Soloist (soprano), mixed choir (SATB), strings
Choir score
Item no.: 857995
Chorale cantata MWV A 7
for: Soloist (soprano), mixed choir (SATB), strings
Item no.: 235596
Bearbeitung für Chor und Kammerensemble
for: Mixed choir (SATB), flute, 2 violins, alto, cello, double bass
Item no.: 778348
for: Mixed choir (SSATBB), strings
Piano reduction
Item no.: 766724
aus: Geistliche Kirchenmelodien, 1649
for: Mixed choir (SATB), 2 violins [treble recorders], basso continuo
Score, part (pdf download)
Item no.: 4232
from "Vesperae solennes de Confessore" KV 339
for: Soloist (soprano), mixed choir (SATB), bassoon, strings, basso continuo
Score (Urtext edition)
Item no.: 375732
Musik des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts aus evangelischen Kirchen Münchens
for: Mixed choir (SATB); organ, instruments ad lib.
Choir book
Item no.: 476252
für Chor, Streichorchester und Klavier
for: Mixed choir (SATB), string orchestra, piano
Choir score
Item no.: 676633
Theme From The Bbc Tv Series "The Vicar Of Dibley"
for: Mixed choir, strings, organ
Item no.: 455661
from "Vesperae solennes de Confessore"
for: Soloist (soprano), mixed choir (SATB), bassoon, strings, basso continuo
Piano reduction (Urtext edition)
Item no.: 117052
Lobgesang des Jean Racine Des-Dur op. 11
Stimmensatz (Org-6-5-4-3-3)
for: Mixed choir, strings, organ
Set of parts
Item no.: 649570
Motette für Chor, Instrumentalbegleitung ad lib. und Basso continuo
for: Mixed choir (SATB), basso continuo; instruments colla parte ad lib.
Score, parts (pdf download)
Item no.: 2869
Walton Choral
for: Mixed choir (SATB), 2 violins, viola, cello
Set of parts
Item no.: 641345
Psalm 4,9 c-moll
for: 4 soloists (SATB), mixed choir (SATB), strings, basso continuo
Item no.: 380252
für Frauenchor SSA (TB ad lib.) und Streichquartett (Kontrabass ad lib.)
for: Women's choir (SSA) [mixed choir (SSATB)], string quartet; double bass ad lib.
Piano reduction
Item no.: 659380
full score / conductor's score
for: Mixed choir (SATB), string orchestra, piano
Item no.: 344997
mit Streichorchester und Orgel oder nur mit Orgelbegleitung ausführbar
for: Mixed choir (SATB), string orchestra, organ
Set of parts
Item no.: 634269
Cantata cycle
Stuttgarter Buxtehude-Ausgaben
for: 5 soloists (SSATB), mixed choir (SSATB), strings, basso continuo
Piano reduction (Urtext edition)
Item no.: 462240
Arioso aus "Cantata con stromenti"
for: Soloist (alto/baritone), mixed choir (SATB), organ [piano]; strings ad lib.
Set of parts (Strings)
Item no.: 330931
Bearbeitung für Chor und Kammerensemble
for: Mixed choir (SATB), flute, 2 violins, alto, cello, double bass
Set of parts
Item no.: 778353
Süddeutsche Kirchenmusik des Barock Band 5
for: Soloists, mixed choir (SATB), 2 violins, basso continuo
Item no.: 331856
HWV 232
Klavierauszug (Urtextausgabe) (Urtext)
for: 5 soloists (SSATB), mixed choir (SSATB), strings, basso continuo
Piano reduction (Urtext edition)
Item no.: 116214
Aria aus dem "Klavierbüchlein für Anna Magdalena Bach"
bearbeitet für Chor (SATB), Oboe, Streicher (ad lib.) und Basso continuo
for: Mixed choir (SATB), oboe, basso continuo; strings ad lib.
Score, parts (pdf download)
Item no.: 2051
Organum Reihe 1
Geistliche Gesangsmusik, Nr. 17
for: Soloists (ATB), mixed choir (ATB), string orchestra, organ
Set of parts
Item no.: 1008691
Breitkopf Urtext Edition
for: Mixed choir (SATB), strings, organ
Piano reduction
Item no.: 286087
for: Solo voice (Mez), mixed choir (SATB), bandoneon, strings, piano
Choir score
Item no.: 604896
für Tenor (S), gemischten Chor, Violine und Orgel (Harfe ad libitum)
for: Solo voice (S/T), mixed choir (SATB), violin, organ; harp ad lib.
Item no.: 338933
for: Mixed choir (SATB), string orchestra [organ]
Streicherstimmensatz 5 Violine I, 5 Violine II, 4 Viola, 3 Violoncello, 2 Kontrabass
Item no.: 741714
Bearbeitung für Chor und Kammerensemble
for: Mixed choir (SATB), flute, 2 violins, alto, cello, double bass
Set of parts
Item no.: 778387
Bärenreiter Urtext
for: 2 mixed choirs (SATB, SATB), strings, basso continuo; 4 soloists (SSAA) ad lib.
Piano reduction (Urtext edition)
Item no.: 579890
Passionsmusik in sieben Teilen
for: 5 soloists (SSATB), mixed choir (SSATB), strings, basso continuo
Piano reduction
Item no.: 247606