Christian Mason (b. 1984)

Isolarion III

für zwei Klaviere

C. Mason: Isolarion III, 2Klav (Sppa) (0)
2 pianos
Product type:
Ensemble score
Item no.:
Author / Composer:
13 minutes
Year of origin:
Release year:
Publisher / Producer:
Producer No.:
EB 9236


A transcription and re-composition of my orchestral work “Isolarion: Rituals of Resonance” (2013) – which was itself an elaboration and expansion of an earlier brass quintet – this piece reduces what was a highly embellished, ornamented and colour driven score to its essential constructive elements: lines and layers, which collide and cohere in a mercurially flowing continuity.

The first movement of the orchestral version was dedicated to Pierre Boulez, who had commissioned the work through the Lucerne Festival Academy. In light of the recent news of his death I dedicate this piano duo to his memory. (Christian Mason, 2016)

37.90  €
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Delivery time: 2–5 working days (Germany)
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