OperAria. Tenor 3

Vol. 3: dramatic
Repertoire Collection

OperAria. Tenor 3, GesTeKlav (+medonl) (0)OperAria. Tenor 3, GesTeKlav (+medonl) (1)OperAria. Tenor 3, GesTeKlav (+medonl) (2)OperAria. Tenor 3, GesTeKlav (+medonl) (3)OperAria. Tenor 3, GesTeKlav (+medonl) (4)
Voice (tenor), piano
Product type:
Music score (anthology), online media
Item no.:
23 × 30.5 cm
Release year:
Publisher / Producer:
Producer No.:
EB 8876


The present volume (OperAria Tenor, Volume 3, EB 8876) contains a representative cross-section of the dramatic repertoire for tenor. On the opera stage, the tenor is often the most eminent protagonist. Whether as an ardent lover or a tragic hero, he is in the limelight to show lyrical sensitivity, sonorous euphony and smoothness, a maximum of nuances. The vocal range creates high expectations and provides an extraordinary aura.

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Breitkopf & Härtel, Obere Waldstr. 30, 65232 Taunusstein, DE, [email protected]

32.90  €
incl. VAT, plus shipping
In stock. Delivery time: 1–3 working days (Germany)
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