Vol. 1: Regole & Partimenti Numerati
Vol. 2: Partimenti Diminuiti & Fugues
for: Keyboard instrument
2 Music lesson books
Item no.: 1717670
Vol. 1: The 50 Lessons
Vol. 2: Partimenti Diminuiti & Fugues
for: Keyboard instrument
2 Music lesson books
Item no.: 1717671
As Practiced in the XVII and XVIII Centuries
Reprint of the Oxford University Press, 1931 edition
Book (softcover)
Item no.: 173608
As Practiced in the XVII and XVIII Centuries
Reprint of the Oxford University Press, 1931 edition
Book (softcover)
Item no.: 138092
Ein praktischer Lehrgang nach historischen Prinzipien
Pratica Musicale 7
for: Classical guitar
Music lesson book
Item no.: 430562
Based on historical sources
for: Organ [harpsichord]
Music lesson book
Item no.: 671934
A Historical Guide to the Basics
for: Organ [harpsichord]
Music lesson book
Item no.: 155243
Chordal schemes for the introduction to the practice of accompaniment in the 17th and 18th centuries on Lute, Theorbo, Guitar, Harp and Keyboard instruments
for: Basso continuo
Music lesson book
Item no.: 1557090
für Singstimme & Tasteninstrument
Kritische Neuauflage
for: Voice, organ [harpsichord]
Ensemble score
Item no.: 136964
Reprint der Auflage, Leipzig 1756
Mit zahlreichen Notenbeispielen
for: Organ [harpsichord]
Music lesson book (reprint)
Item no.: 605573
Saggi di contrappunto (S.B.P.K. Landsberg 214)
Regole... per ben accompagnare con il Cembalo (Bc, MS. D 138/2)
Tastata – Opere d'intavolatura d'organo e cimbalo
for: Harpsichord [organ]
Music score
Item no.: 773425
Pian & Forte Vol. 142
for: Harpsichord
Music score
Item no.: 1163519
Vol. 1: Regole & Partimenti Numerati
for: Keyboard instrument
Music lesson book
Item no.: 1717201
for: Keyboard instrument
Music lesson book
Item no.: 798231
Partimento Realizations of Francesco Durante's
Studj per cambalo con partimenti diversi
for: Organ (manuals) [harpsichord]
2 music scores
Item no.: 678744
A treatise for the teacher and the student
Music lesson book
Item no.: 929471
A Self-Paced Primer in Playing from a Figured Bass
for: Harpsichord [organ manuals]
Music lesson book
Item no.: 565277
Volume I and II Set
2 Music lesson books
Item no.: 1351629
Vol. 1: The 50 Lessons
for: Keyboard instrument
Music lesson book
Item no.: 1697135
A treatise for the teacher and the student
Music lesson book
Item no.: 929661
Fugal Improvisation through Figured Bass
Book (Hardcover)
Item no.: 745530
His figured bass exercises
Early Music Series vol.12
for: Organ [harpsichord]
Music lesson book
Item no.: 586877
Figured Bass and Historic Improvisation
50 Pieces for 2 or more Instrumentalists
for: Keyboard instrument
Ensemble score
Item no.: 1555594
Wiener Bruckner Studien 2
Item no.: 584006
Vol. 2: The 75 Partimenti
for: Keyboard instrument
Music lesson book
Item no.: 1697136
Faksimile der Ausgabe von 1728 Dresden
for: Piano [harpsichord/organ]
Music lesson book (reprint)
Item no.: 557890
Comments on Basso continuo and Harmony, Counterpoint Studies, Sketches and Drafts
Book (Hardcover)
Item no.: 634122
Faksimile des Erstdrucks Halle 1767
Quellenkataloge zur Musikgeschichte 38
for: Piano [harpsichord/organ]
Music lesson book (reprint, hardcover)
Item no.: 430630
Sonate di varii autori
Monuments of Partimento Realizations Volume 2
for: Organ
Music score (anthology)
Item no.: 678747
Pian & Forte Vol. 143
for: Harpsichord
Music score
Item no.: 1163518
Vol. 2: Partimenti Diminuiti & Fugues
for: Keyboard instrument
Music lesson book
Item no.: 1717202
for: Harpsichord
Book (reprint)
Item no.: 998661
Part 2 Nos. 31–46
Studj per cembalo con partimenti diversi
Monuments of Partimento Realizations Volume 1B
for: Organ (manuals) [harpsichord]
Music score (spiral binding)
Item no.: 798230
Quellenkataloge Zur Musikgeschichte 43 (Faksimile) (Facsimile)
for: Harpsichord [organ]
Book (Hardcover)
Item no.: 490801
Berlin 1781 und 1782 , 4. Reprint
for: Organ [harpsichord]
Book (Hardcover)
Item no.: 347070
Oder: Der exemplarischen Organistenprobe
Edition Schott
Sheet music
Item no.: 748188
Part 1 Nos. 1–30
Studj per cembalo con partimenti diversi
Monuments of Partimento Realizations Volume 1a
for: Organ (manuals) [harpsichord]
Music score (spiral binding)
Item no.: 798229
Ein Lehrbuch nach zeitgenössischen Quellen
for: Organ [harpsichord]
Item no.: 117744
"Was der Generalbaß sey?" Teil I: Beiträge zu Theorie und Praxis.
Schola Cantorum Basiliensis
for: Organ [harpsichord]
Book (softcover)
Item no.: 176380
Pian & Forte Vol. 144
for: Harpsichord
Music score
Item no.: 1163517
3 Teile und Anhang in 1 Band
Reprint Berlin 1755-60
for: Harpsichord [organ]
Book (reprint)
Item no.: 302032
Reprint der Ausgabe Linz 1841 mit den handschriftlichen Eintragungen Anton Bruckners Farbfaksimile, kommentiert und mit einer Studie versehen von Daniel Hensel
Anton Bruckner – Dokumente Studien 17
Item no.: 766471
Text und Notenband
for: Organ [harpsichord]
2 Books
Item no.: 202977
"Was der Generalbass sey?" Teil II: Beiträge zu Theorie und Praxis
Schola cantorum Basiliensis
for: Organ [harpsichord]
Book (softcover)
Item no.: 190538
Laaber Reprint 6
for: Organ [harpsichord]
Music score (reprint)
Item no.: 225551
Players and practices in his vocal works
Studies in the History of Music 3
for: Organ [harpsichord]
Music lesson book
Item no.: 350969
Reprint von 1731
Neuausgabe 2010
for: Organ [harpsichord]
Music lesson book (reprint, hardcover)
Item no.: 302031
Georg Friedrich Händels Übungen zur Satzlehre
Praxis und Theorie des Partimentospiels Band 2
Quellenkataloge zur Musikgeschichte Band 45
for: Harpsichord [organ]
Book (Hardcover)
Item no.: 583985