Aleksey Igudesman (b. 1973)

The Catscratchbook

10 leichte Geigenduette mit Gedichten und CD

A. Igudesman: The Catscratchbook, 2Vl (Sppa+CD) (0)A. Igudesman: The Catscratchbook, 2Vl (Sppa+CD) (1)A. Igudesman: The Catscratchbook, 2Vl (Sppa+CD) (2)A. Igudesman: The Catscratchbook, 2Vl (Sppa+CD) (3)

Katzenliebe (Demo)

Katzenliebe (Play-Along, 2nd Violin)

Katzenliebe (Play-Along, 1st Violin)

2 violins
Product type:
Ensemble score, Playback-CD
Item no.:
Author / Composer:
german, english
32 pages; 23 × 30.5 cm
Release year:
Publisher / Producer:
Producer No.:
UE 33094


10 violin duets, all about cats, to challenge, provoke and above all, enjoy. In the words of Aleksey Igudesman himself… “…these are not the most conventional children’s pieces. But I do not believe that children are conventional either.”

The pieces are unusual – certainly, and they will undoubtedly make an impact on young players with the support of illustrations, poems, notes from the composer and a CD with inspiring demonstration performances and play-along tracks for both 1st and 2nd violins.

The poems come with the recommendation to “read them out loud before you perform the pieces and you are guaranteed a smiling public!”… and with 10 various pieces to choose from, there is plenty of contrast. An inspiring and innovative choice for middle grade players.


  • Cat Lover – Katzenliebe
  • I Lost my Cat – Alles für die Katz
  • I Have a Cat – Ich habe einen Kater
  • Crazy Cat – Meine Katze hat 'nen Vogel
  • Night Cat – Katze der Nacht
  • Cold Kitten – Kaltes Kätzchen
  • Hot Cat – Heißer Kater
  • New Cat – Neue Katze
  • Pink Cat – Pinke Katze
  • Cat and Mouse – Katze und Maus

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Universal Edition AG, Forsthausgasse 9, A-1200 Wien, AT, [email protected]

22.00  €
incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 5–10 working days (Germany)
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