Karen Hogg

Berklee Basic Ukulele

Berklee Guide

K. Hogg: Berklee Basic Ukulele, Uk (+Tab) (0)K. Hogg: Berklee Basic Ukulele, Uk (+Tab) (1)K. Hogg: Berklee Basic Ukulele, Uk (+Tab) (2)K. Hogg: Berklee Basic Ukulele, Uk (+Tab) (3)K. Hogg: Berklee Basic Ukulele, Uk (+Tab) (4)K. Hogg: Berklee Basic Ukulele, Uk (+Tab) (5)K. Hogg: Berklee Basic Ukulele, Uk (+Tab) (6)K. Hogg: Berklee Basic Ukulele, Uk (+Tab) (7)
Musical Editions:
Lesson book (with standard notation and tabs), online audio
Item no.:
Author / Composer:
80 pages; 22.8 × 20.4 cm
Release year:
Publisher / Producer:
Producer No.:


Learn the ukulele! Berklee Basic Ukulele is an easy-to-follow, funintroduction to the ukulele--the perfect guide for the beginning ukulele enthusiast! The book begins with the basics of reading music notation (traditional notation, ukulele tablature, and chord diagrams), which can serve as a review or a handy primer for those with noprior reading experience. You will then learn a variety techniques for playing melodies, strumming chords, and accompanying yourself singing, with many tunes in a diversity of styles as examples.

You will learn various rhythms and strum patterns, starting from very basic strumming and then slowly incorporating more complex right hand techniques, and learn to strum along with your favorite (ororiginal) songs. Each chord, strum pattern, and concept is coupled with exercises and songs to give you ample opportunities to absorb the material, with demonstration and play-along audio tracks.


  • How to hold the ukulele, play with healthy hand/body position, and produce a good tone.

  • The notes of the ukulele fingerboard.

  • The basics of music theory, which you will then use to help learn songs and develop an overall intuitive sense for how to play the ukulele.

  • Essential chords and chord strumming patterns for different styles.

  • Melodies and chordal accompaniment parts to songs such as “Aloha 'Oe,” “Amazing Grace,” “Bound for South Australia,” “Hi'ilawe,” “Hinei Ma Tov,” “Londondeery Air,” “Simple Gifts,” “When the Saints Go Marching In,” “Will the Circle Be Unbroken?,” and others!

20.99  €
incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
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