Celloschule für den individuellen und Gruppen-Unterricht
Kombinierbar mit den gleichnamigen Ausgaben für Violine, Viola und Kontrabass
for: Cello; piano ad lib.
Music lesson book, playback-CD
Item no.: 657988
for: Violin
Music lesson book
Item no.: 197899
Learn to play bass recorder in ensemble
3-5 part recorder ensemble pieces
for: Bass recorder [3-5 Recorder (SAATB)]
Score, Single part, Playback-CD
Item no.: 195088
Learn to play bass recorder in ensemble
3-5 part recorder ensemble pieces
for: Bass recorder [3-5 Recorder (SAATB)]
Score, Single part, Playback-CD
Item no.: 185560
Ideal for both individual and group learning
Compatible with Vamoosh Violin and Viola Book 1
for: Cello; piano ad lib.
Music lesson book, playback-CD
Item no.: 657984
25 Amusing and Wistful Children's Songs
for: Accordion
Music lesson book, demo CD
Item no.: 493920
Building Community Through Rhythm
for: Percussion group
Study book
Item no.: 694905
for: Violin, viola
Music lesson book
Item no.: 486060
Ideal for both individual and group learning
Compatible with Vamoosh Cello and Viola Book 2
for: Violin; piano ad lib.
Music lesson book, playback-CD
Item no.: 657990
Ideal for both individual and group learning
Compatible with Vamoosh Viola, Cello and Double bass Book 1
for: Violin; piano ad lib.
Music lesson book, playback-CD
Item no.: 657989
for: Flute; piano ad lib.
Music score (anthology), online audio
Item no.: 695540
Celloschule für den individuellen und Gruppen-Unterricht
Kombinierbar mit den gleichnamigen Ausgaben für Violine, Viola und Kontrabass
for: Cello; piano ad lib.
Music lesson book, playback-CD
Item no.: 657987
First Class
for: Winds class (flexible winds ensemble)
Item no.: 312450
Für Einzel- und Gruppenunterricht
Revidierte Neuausgabe von Michael Koch
for: Classical guitar
Music lesson book, CD, online audio
Item no.: 683467
Band 2: Klavierschule für den Gruppenunterricht
for: Piano 4 hands
Ensemble score
Item no.: 193857
Vier Ensemblestücke für drei Blockflöten (SAT) und Klavier,
die speziell für Gruppenunterricht geeignet sind
for: 3 recorders (SAT), piano
Piano score, parts, CD
Item no.: 377052
Gitarrenschule für das Klassenmusizieren und den Gruppenunterricht im Grundschulalter
for: Classical guitar
Music lesson book (with standard notation and chord charts), demo CD
Item no.: 746289
123 Klavier Klavierschule (Lehrmaterial) (Teaching material)
for: Piano
Teachers book
Item no.: 183305
Acht leichte und klangvolle Violinduette für Kinder
for: 2 violins
Ensemble score
Item no.: 622063
Handbuch für den Unterricht mit der Querflöte. Gehörbildung, Rhythmus und Improvisation für Einzel-, Partner- und Gruppenunterricht
for: Flute
Book (softcover)
Item no.: 171606
12 easy pieces for beginners - for individual, group or whole-class learning
for: 1–2 trombones
Music score, Playback-CD
Item no.: 1019459
Lehrerheft / Partitur
Klassenmusizieren (Lehrmaterial) (Teaching material)
for: Recorder class, piano
Teacher's book
Item no.: 477602
für 2-3 Gitarren
25 sehr leichte Gitarrenduos u. -trios für den Gruppenunterricht mit Anfängern und für das erste gemeinsame Musizieren
for: 2–3 guitars
Ensemble score
Item no.: 662917
Ein Leitfaden des Flanders Recorder Quartet für Blockflötenspieler und -lehrer
Mit einem historischen Kapitel von David Lasocki
Book (softcover)
Item no.: 139025
Spielbuch für den Gruppenunterricht
for: 3 guitars
Ensemble score
Item no.: 666950
Klavierschule für den Gruppenunterricht
for: Piano 4 hands
Ensemble score
Item no.: 191490
for: Guitar
Music score
Item no.: 101423
A complete and comprehensive Drum tutor designed to meet the needs of the young student aspiring to play in a school band or orchestra.
for: Drum kit
Music lesson book
Item no.: 433134
Ideal for both individual and group learning
Compatible with Vamoosh Violin, Cello and Double bass Book 2
for: Viola; piano ad lib.
Music lesson book, playback-CD
Item no.: 657994
for: Tuba (B-flat)
Music lesson book
Item no.: 164475
Well-known classical music adapted for classical guitar. The duet versions and the division of parts in the solo pieces make the book also appropriate for group instruction
for: 1–2 guitars
Music score (with guitar tabs – anthology), playback-CD
Item no.: 298114
for: Trumpet
Study book
Item no.: 197289
for: Flute
Music lesson book
Item no.: 202088
Technical Studies and Solo Literature for String Orchestra and Individual Study
for: String class
Item no.: 889963
for: Violin
Music lesson book
Item no.: 461554
Book 2
for: Drum kit
Music score, online audio
Item no.: 218533
Kontrabasschule für den individuellen und Gruppen-Unterricht
Kombinierbar mit den gleichnamigen Ausgaben für Violine, Viola und Cello
for: Double bass; piano ad lib.
Music lesson book, playback-CD
Item no.: 620603
An intermediate Method for individual or Group Instruction
Exercises for Rhythm, Motor, Rudiments, Effects and Performance
Sound Innovations: Sound Percussion
for: Percussion
Score (teacher's manual), online media
Item no.: 684354
for: Flute, Piano and Orchestra
Item no.: 472494
Ideal for both individual and group learning
Compatible with Vamoosh Violin, Cello and Double bass Book 3
for: Viola; piano ad lib.
Music lesson book, playback-CD
Item no.: 657995
Technique and Style Studies for String Orchestra
Essential Elements Comprehensive String Method
for: String class [violin]
Music lesson book
Item no.: 555964
Ideal for both individual and group learning
Compatible with Vamoosh Violin, Cello and Double bass Book 1
for: Viola; piano ad lib.
Music score, online audio
Item no.: 657993
for: Tuba (B-flat)
Music lesson book
Item no.: 197292
Learn to play bass recorder in ensemble
3-5 part recorder ensemble pieces
for: Bass recorder [3-5 Recorder (SAATB)]
Score, Single part, Playback-CD
Item no.: 204076
for: Horn
Music lesson book
Item no.: 197281
An intermediate Method for individual or Group Instruction
Exercises for Rhythm, Motor, Rudiments, Effects and Performance
Sound Innovations: Sound Percussion
for: Snare drum [bass drum]
Music lesson book, online media
Item no.: 684363
12 Easy Pieces for Beginners
for: 1-2 flutes; piano ad lib.
Music score, Playback-CD
Item no.: 579852
Essential Elements
for: Violin
Music score
Item no.: 344927