Gaston Dufresne (1898 – 1998)

Develop Sight Reading 1& 2

for all treble clef instruments

G. Dufresne: Develop Sight Reading 1& 2, MelViols (0)G. Dufresne: Develop Sight Reading 1& 2, MelViols (1)G. Dufresne: Develop Sight Reading 1& 2, MelViols (2)G. Dufresne: Develop Sight Reading 1& 2, MelViols (3)
Melody instrument (treble clef)
Product type:
Music score
Item no.:
Author / Composer:
61 pages; 2.3 × 30.5 cm
Publisher / Producer:
Producer No.:
CC 1618


Develop Sight=Reading establishes itself as a vital contribution in music literature. This study material, technical in nature, is indispensable for it stimulates, coordinates and stabilizes one's mental and physical reflexes.

A strand of musical genius is weaved throughout these musical passages of unusual originality. By tuning one's approach toward expressing each phrase as a beautiful musical thought, one will respond to the inspirational beauty that the authors so clearly highlighted.

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Charles Colin Publications, 23 Gregg Court, 10983 Tappan, New York, US, [email protected]

Responsible person in the EU

Grahl & Nicklas GmbH, Gwinnerstr. 13, 60388 Frankfurt, DE, [email protected]

29.00  €
incl. VAT, plus shipping
In stock. Delivery time: 1–3 working days (Germany)
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