An indispensable Guide for unaccompanied Choirs
for: Mixed choir (SATB) a cappella
Music score, online playback
Item no.: 636329
The essential about choral intonation – stay in tune!
for: Choir
Music lesson book
Item no.: 493204
Director's Manual
for: Mixed choir (SATB) a cappella
Item no.: 145892
Singing – Leading – Communicating
for: Choir
Book (Hardcover)
Item no.: 551288
Harmonic Rehearsal Teaching and Learning Based on the Music Learning Theory of Edwin E. Gordon
for: Choir
Learning book (hardcover)
Item no.: 685926
Third Edition
Item no.: 1670442
208 funktionale Übungen für gemischten Chor in 3 Bänden
for: Mixed choir a cappella
3 music scores
Item no.: 658669
for: Choir
Study book
Item no.: 461546
Das Männerchor-Buch für die Westentasche (TTBB)
for: Male choir (TTBB) a cappella
Choir book
Item no.: 670820
Constructing for Success
for: Choir
Study book, online video
Item no.: 762095
Book (softcover)
Item no.: 862822
Meredith Music Resource
for: Concert band
Book (softcover)
Item no.: 1107736
Everything the Pianist needs to know
for: Choir
Music score (piano accompaniment)
Item no.: 665996
Third Edition
Item no.: 680956
Meredith Music Resource
for: Concert band
Book (softcover)
Item no.: 1107694
Meredith Music Resource
for: Concert band
Book (softcover)
Item no.: 1107584
Ready-to-Use Resource Material for the Choir Rehearsal
Methodology Chorals
for: Choir
Music lesson book
Item no.: 488987
Fundamental Vocal Techniques for Classroom and General Use
for: Youth choir
Music score, online audio
Item no.: 468231
History and didactics
Ars Musicalis. Musica, Musicologia e Didattica 1
for: Choir
Item no.: 773876
Meredith Music Resource
for: Concert band
Book (softcover)
Item no.: 1107563
A New Methodology for a Tighter Big Band
for: Big band
Music lesson book
Item no.: 1690628
for: Choir
Music score
Item no.: 1561937
179 formulettes variées et vivantes pour développer la vigilance aux voyelles
for: Choir
Choir score
Item no.: 1559195
Geführtes Hören in der Ensemble-Arbeit
for: Concert band [youth concert band/ winds class]
Book (softcover)
Item no.: 697126
for: Choir
Item no.: 1690281
Mélodies et jeux vocaux
for: Youth choir
Music score, CD
Item no.: 579175
A Kodaly Perspective for Middle School to College Level Choirs
for: Post-16
Book (Hardcover)
Item no.: 1192895
A Kodaly Perspective for Middle School to College Level Choirs
for: Post-16
Book (Hardcover)
Item no.: 1192893
for: Choir
Music lesson book
Item no.: 771811
Ein Handbuch für Chorsänger und solche, die es werden wollen
Book (softcover)
Item no.: 1645516
for: Concert band [Small wind band]
Conductors part (B-flat), set of parts
Item no.: 371048
22 komplette Einsingprogramme
Ideal für jeden Chor
for: Choir
Choir book
Item no.: 662905
Chor- und Ensembleleitung
Book (softcover)
Item no.: 762602
Ein praktischer Leitfaden zur Einführung und Pflege
for: Children's choir
Book (softcover)
Item no.: 613898
Tipps für die Praxis
Dirgieren – Probenmethodik – Stimmbildung
for: Choir
Book (softcover)
Item no.: 691692
Handbuch für den Chorleiter
mit 40 ausführlich kommentierten Kanons und Liedern
for: School choir
Music lesson book
Item no.: 174252
for: Mixed choir (SSATB) a cappella
Sheet music
Item no.: 730970
Negro Spiritual
for: Male choir (TTBB) a cappella
Sheet music
Item no.: 731030
for: Männerchor (TT(B)B)
Sheet music
Item no.: 731021
Negro Spiritual
for: Mixed choir (SATB) a cappella
Sheet music
Item no.: 733618
aus der Oper "Die Zauberflöte" KV 620
for: Male choir (TTB), piano
Sheet music
Item no.: 740368
Negro Spiritual
for: Male choir (TTBB) a cappella
Sheet music
Item no.: 744129
Negro Spiritual
for: Male choir (TTBB) a cappella
Sheet music
Item no.: 731029
Negro Spiritual
for: Male choir (TTBB) a cappella
Sheet music
Item no.: 731028
Negro Spiritual
for: Mixed choir (SATB) a cappella
Sheet music
Item no.: 730991
Negro Spiritual
for: Male choir (TTBB) a cappella
Sheet music
Item no.: 753999
Plantation Song
for: Male choir (TTBB) a cappella
Sheet music
Item no.: 740393
for: Male choir
Sheet music
Item no.: 744130