5 well-known traditional Asian songs
for: Mixed choir (SATB); piano ad lib.
Item no.: 654950
127 ungewöhnliche Übungen für Musizierende
für alle Instrumente
Music lesson book
Item no.: 695102
16 Selected Chinese Art Songs
for: Voice (baritone), piano
Music score (Urtext edition, anthology)
Item no.: 1019630
Lenka Peskou 为年轻学生编写的四手联弹钢琴书籍
for: Piano 4 hands
Item no.: 1650979
for: Organ
Illustrated book
Item no.: 765602
Per contralto e 15 strumenti, Op. 24 (1996)
for: Voice, instruments
Item no.: 778910
The fundamental vocabulary of music in German, English, Russian and, for the first time, in Chinese, Japanese and Korean. Special Italian and French terms from the domain of expression marks and performance instructions have also been included.
Book (Hardcover)
Item no.: 614301
The Indo-Tibetan Masterpiece - Revisited
Item no.: 1828157
Opera da camera in quattro scene, Op 21 (1994)
Chamber Opera in 4 Scences|adapted from the short Story A Madman's Diary (Lu)
for: Soloists, mixed choir, orchestra
Item no.: 778227
Item no.: 1730461
Item no.: 1819631
Easy pieces from different periods
for: Flute, piano
Piano score, solo part (anthology)
Item no.: 622092
Item no.: 1773486
for baritone, trumpet, trombone, and bass clarinet
for: Bariton, Trompete, Posaune und Bass-Klarinette
Score, Parts
Item no.: 1633082
Op 35 (2001)
for: Soloists, mixed choir, orchestra
Item no.: 778519
Item no.: 1821633
for mixed chorus a cappella
for: Mixed choir a cappella
Choir score
Item no.: 666042
Item no.: 1729299
Item no.: 1798171
Item no.: 1741159
Item no.: 1837143
Item no.: 1776567
gift and creative paper book Vol.40
Item no.: 1816601
Item no.: 1698665
Item no.: 1834674
Item no.: 1767782
Item no.: 1735340
Op. 31 (1998)
for: Mixed choir, percussion
Piano reduction
Item no.: 778518
(17 Sprachen, 11 Alphabete! -Multilingual-)
Item no.: 1801804
Item no.: 1726465
Item no.: 1763734
(Moon Spirit Feasting)
Chinese ritual street opera in 7 parts (1997 - 99)
for: Voices, instruments
Item no.: 778885
Opera da camera, Op. 30 (1997 - 98)
for: Soloists, mixed choir, orchestra
Item no.: 777783
Item no.: 1751065
Portrait der badischen Fächerstadt
Item no.: 1827098
Für Anfänger. Spielerisch Chinesisch lernen und die chinesische Kultur entdecken. Sprachwörterbuch. Für Kinder ab 10 Jahren
Item no.: 1823074
(Erweiterte Neuauflage, in 13 Sprachen!)
Item no.: 1824940
Free MP3 Audio Download
Item no.: 1734388
Item no.: 1812033
Lektionen 1-20
Item no.: 1826293
Ein kommunikativer Chinesisch-Kurs für Anfänger.
Item no.: 1764879
Pieces for little ones from the age of five up
for: Voice, double bass [bass guitar]
Music score
Item no.: 655183
Distinguished Choral Music
for: gemischter Chor (SAATTB) a cappella
Choir score
Item no.: 735948
Bedeutung und Schreibweise der häufigsten chinesischen Schriftzeichen (1501-3000)
Item no.: 1733446
Das große Serien-Ereignis auf Netflix - Trisolaris Erster Roman
Item no.: 1752772
Item no.: 1798304
Item no.: 1801218