Teachers's Manual
for: Children's choir (2 parts), piano; rhythm group (guitar, bass, drums) ad lib.
Music score
Item no.: 807880
for: Children's choir (1–3 parts), narrator, instruments
Item no.: 377398
for: Children's choir, instruments
Item no.: 136891
für Darsteller, Kinderchor und Klavier (Instrumentalstimmen)
Eine Geschichte von Händlern, Kindern, umgeworfenen Tischen und Jesus
for: Soloists, children's choir, narrator, keyboard; melodic instruments, rhythm instruments ad lib.
Piano score
Item no.: 490700
Orchestersuite mit Erzählung
for: Narrator, flexible ensemble (school orchestra); children's choir ad lib.
Score, Parts
Item no.: 227851
Express Musical for Young Voices
for: Children's choir (2 parts), piano; rhythm group (guitar, bass, drums) ad lib.
Score, Parts, CD
Item no.: 811453
Ein Singspiel mit Rhythmusinstrumenten für Kinder ab 5 Jahren
mit Blockflöte, Glockenspiel, Xylophon, Gitarre und Schlagzeug
for: Children's choir, instruments
Item no.: 130670
für Soli, Kinderchor, gem Chor und Instrumente (Set mit 13 Stücken)
Aus dem Leben der Kinder in Uganda
for: Solo voice, children's choir, flutes, percussion, piano
Item no.: 660575
adapted from "Old MacDonald had a Farm"
Doreen Rao's Choral Music Experience
for: Children's choir (SSS), piano; rhythm group (piano [keyboard], guitar, bass, drums) ad lib.
Item no.: 656189
For children's chorus (even voices) or soprano, narrator and soloists
for: Soloists, narrator, children's choir, instruments
Piano reduction
Item no.: 818400
Gospelmesse für gemischten Chor (SATB), Kinderchor und Instrumente (Band)
for: Mixed choir, children's choir, band
Choir score
Item no.: 609499
Ein Musical für Kinder
nach dem Gleichnis Jesu aus dem Lukasevangelium
für Kinderchor und Instrumente
for: Children's choir, instruments
Choir score
Item no.: 616422
To All Babies On Earth: Im Frieden leben
Kinderlieder der abrahamitischen Kulturkreise,
in Szene gesetzt für 1-stimmigen Kinderchor, erwachsene Darsteller und Instrumentalensemble
for: Children's choir, instruments
Item no.: 680833
Kindermusical für Kinder ab 6 Jahren
for: Children's choir, instruments
Score, Single part, Playback-CD
Item no.: 374874
Musical für 1- bis 3-stg. Kinderchor, Flöte, Oboe, Viola, Klavier, Bass und Schlagzeug
for: Children's choir, instruments
Item no.: 1715774
für Darsteller, Kinderchor und Klavier (Instrumentalstimmen)
Eine Geschichte von Händlern, Kindern, umgeworfenen Tischen und Jesus
for: Soloists, children's choir, narrator, keyboard; melodic instruments, rhythm instruments ad lib.
Choir score
Item no.: 578619
Singspiel für Darsteller, Soli, Gemeinde und Instrumente
for: Children's choir (1 part), narrator, actors, the parish, guitar [piano/keyboard]
Score with lyrics and stage direction
Item no.: 618914
EG 504 (ö)
for: Children's choir, instruments
Item no.: 1655388
for: Children's choir (1-2 parts), piano (keyboard); rhythm group (guitar, bass, drums) ad lib.
Item no.: 1645714
Musical frei nach "Prinz und Bettelknabe" von Mark Twain
for: Soloists, children's choir (1–3 parts), narrator, instruments [orchestra]
Item no.: 627238
for: Children's choir, mixed choir (SATB), piano, melodic instruments, string ensemble
Set of parts
Item no.: 1560321
for: Children's choir (2 parts), piano; rhythm group (guitar, bass, drums) ad lib.
Item no.: 492744
for: Children's choir (1–3 parts), piano [keyboard], rhythm group
Score, CD
Item no.: 180374
Auf der Schulbank mit Friedrich Schiller.
Singspiel für 1–2stimmigen Kinder- und Jugendchor
for: Children's choir (1-2 parts), narrator, 2 violins, viola [violin], cello, flute, glockenspiel, piano
Piano reduction
Item no.: 674676
Band 2
Schaurige und lustige Gespensterlieder von Geistern und Monstern, Elfen und Vampiren, von Hexerei und Zauberei
for: Children's choir (2 parts), piano; rhythm group (guitar, bass, drums) ad lib.
Item no.: 666657
for: Soloists, narrator, children's choir, instruments
Choir score
Item no.: 687242
for: Children's choir, instruments
Item no.: 387697
Kantaten Fuer Kinder
for: Children's choir, instruments
Item no.: 447205
für Kinderchor und Klavier ((Orff-) Instrumente)
for: Children's choir, instruments
Item no.: 617816
for: Children's choir (1 part), narrator, actors, the parish, guitar [piano/keyboard]
Score with lyrics and stage direction
Item no.: 618915
Eine märchenhafte Petrusgeschichte
for: Children's choir, instruments
Item no.: 608140
Vater vieler Völker
for: Soloists, narrator, children's choir, instruments
Item no.: 1023539
Kinder – Musik – Theater
for: Children's choir, instruments
Item no.: 1659702
Musikalisches Märchen für Sprecher, Chor und Orchester
for: Narrator, flexible ensemble (school orchestra); children's choir ad lib.
Item no.: 135936
for: Children's choir, instruments
Item no.: 472886
Ein Waldmusical
Partitur für Fassung 1 (mit Instrumenten)
for: Soloists, children's choir (1–2 parts), flute, oboe, clarinet, bassoon, piano, bass, drums
Item no.: 627237
for: Children's choir (2 parts), piano; rhythm group (guitar, bass, drums) ad lib.
Item no.: 620230
Ein Criminal in zwei Akten
Alter: 8–12 Jahre
for: Soloists, children's choir, piano [band]
Piano score
Item no.: 425030
Lieder nach Klaviersonaten Beethovens
instrumentale Klassiker in modernem Gewand
for: Children's choir (S/SA) [mixed choir (SAM)], piano; instruments ad lib.
Item no.: 692541
20 neue Tanzkanons
for: Children's choir (3-4 voices); rhythm group ad lib.
Item no.: 231508
for: Children's choir (1–3 parts), piano [keyboard], rhythm group
Item no.: 231478
Lieder zum Singen, Spielen und Tanzen
for: Children's choir (2 parts), piano; rhythm group (guitar, bass, drums) ad lib.
Item no.: 218233
for: Children's choir (2 parts), piano; rhythm group (guitar, bass, drums) ad lib.
Sheet music
Item no.: 478258
Fassung ohne Streicher
for: Children's choir, mixed choir (SATB), piano, melodic instruments, string ensemble
Item no.: 1560300
7 Vokal-Arrangements bekannter Instrumentalstücke der Barockzeit
für 3 gleiche Stimmen (SAA) und Combo ad lib.
for: Women's choir [children's choir] (SAA); guitar [keyboard], bass guitar, percussion ad lib.
Item no.: 299481
für 1-3-stg. Kinderchor, Marimba, Schlagwerk, Orgelpositiv und Kontrabass
for: Children's choir, instruments
Score (spiral binding)
Item no.: 1161103
Das Don Bosco Musical für Kinder
for: Children's choir, instruments
Item no.: 577448
Singspiel für 1stg. Kinderchor und Instrumente (Flöte., Streicher, Klavier)
for: Children's choir, instruments
Choir score
Item no.: 244863