Christmas with Stretta – Sheet Music, Songs & Gift Ideas!

It is safe and warm, pain and sorrow are silent. Bells sound brightly on quiet nights, children sing happily under the Christmas tree, and every year, we deliver you sheet music for all the most beautiful Christmas music, songs and carols.

Find festive, contemplative and entertaining scores under Christmas Songs and Christmas Music, and if you need any suggestions for gifts, calendars or new products, browse through our Gift Ideas.

The Stretta team would like to thank you for your loyalty, and wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Stay healthy!

Christmas Songs

Modern or traditional, anthologies or individual arrangements: let the most beautiful Christmas Songs & Carols from all over the world invite you to sing, and to reflect.

Christmas Music

The festival of love is also a festival of instrumental music.

From church music to song accompaniments, here you will find everything you need for your instrument!

Wonderful Christmas Music for...

Gift Ideas

Say it with Music: Are you looking for the perfect Christmas present for your music-loving daughter, a guitarist friend or your choir director? We’ve put together a selection of the best gift ideas for you!

Our Christmas serenade for you

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