Friedrich Burgmüller (1806 – 1874)

23 Etudes op. 100

Edition from the first edition.
Provided with notes on the practical use

F. Burgmüller: 25 Etüden op. 100, Klav (0)F. Burgmüller: 25 Etüden op. 100, Klav (1)F. Burgmüller: 25 Etüden op. 100, Klav (2)F. Burgmüller: 25 Etüden op. 100, Klav (3)F. Burgmüller: 25 Etüden op. 100, Klav (4)F. Burgmüller: 25 Etüden op. 100, Klav (5)
Product type:
Music score
Item no.:
Author / Composer:
german, english
68 pages; 23 × 30.5 cm
Release year:
Publisher / Producer:
Producer No.:
UT 50130


Friedrich Burgmüller would probably be completely forgotten today if he had not made his name with the easy but brilliantsounding etudes composed in his capacity as an experienced teacher. Born in Regensburg in 1806, he later became a very popular piano teacher in Paris; his appealing collections of studies Opp. 100, 105 and 109 still have a reputation as useful, melodious teaching material even today. They show an insight into the problems of piano-playing which was unusually deep for the time, and confront pupils with diverse tasks, the mastery of which motivates every pupil to devote further study to these attractive musical miniatures. The development of technique is just as much a part of the programme as the comprehension of musical expression and artistic imaginativeness. The clear pedagogic concept of Burgmüller's studies is doubtless unique, making them standard repertoire for every young pianist.


  • La candeur (Unbefangenheit/Candour)
  • L'arabesque (Arabeske/Arabesque)
  • La pastorale (Hirenweise/Pastoral)
  • La petite réunion (Im kleinen Kreis/The Small Gathering)
  • Innocence (Unschuld/Innocence)
  • Progrès (Fortschritt/Progress)
  • Le courant limpide (Der klare Bach/The Clear Little Stream)
  • La gracieuse (Anmutig/With Grace)
  • La chasse (Die Jagd/The Hunt)
  • Tendre fleur (Zarte Blume/The Tender Blossom)
  • La Bergeronnette (Die Bachstelze/The Wagtail)
  • L'adieu (Der Abschied/The Farewell)
  • Consolation (Trost/Comfort)
  • La Styrienne (Steirisch/Styrian Dance)
  • Ballade (Ballade/Ballad)
  • Douce plainte (Leise Klage/Gentle Complaint)
  • La babillarde (Geschwätzig/Chatterbox)
  • Inquiétude (Unruhe/Restlessness)
  • Ave Maria
  • La Tarantelle (Tarantella/Tarantella)
  • L'harmonie des anges (Engelsklänge/The Music of the Angels)
  • Barcarolle (Gondellied/The Gondolier's Song)
  • Le retour (Das Widersehen/The Return)
  • L'hirondelle (Die Schwalbe/The Swallow)
  • La chevaleresque (Im Trab/Trotting)

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