Breath and support together form a consciously guided breathing technique for the various wind instruments and the human voice and are thus an indispensable basis for wind players, singers and speakers.
Fundamentals for brass
Instrumental technique
for: Brass instrument
Study book
Item no.: 199064
A Musical Approach to Building Tone and Technique
for tenor trombone (with F-Attachment)
Complete Version
for: Trombone
Music score (spiral binding)
Item no.: 1351532
A must-have guide for all brass students and teachers
for: Brass instrument
Music lesson book
Item no.: 179848
Breathing and Sound
Vol. 2
Volume 2 (Lehrmaterial) (Teaching material)
for: Recorder
Music lesson book
Item no.: 138911
Embouchure building & High register training
for: Brass instrument (treble clef)
Music lesson book
Item no.: 199056
for: Brass instrument
Music lesson book
Item no.: 667430
Bläserschule/Unterrichtsliteratur für Tenorhorn, Bariton & Euphonium
for: Tenor horn (treble clef) [baritone horn/euphonium]
Music lesson book
Item no.: 817778
Exercises to improve Breath Control and Airflow
for Band, Chorus and Orchestral Winds
Focus on music
for: Wind instrument
Music lesson book
Item no.: 491673
bass clef
for: Euphonium [baritone horn/tenor horn] (bass clef)
Music lesson book (bass clef)
Item no.: 817772
Breathing – Support – Embouchure
for: Brass instrument (treble clef)
Music lesson book
Item no.: 199061
Daily Fundamentals for Tenor- & Bass Trombone
for: Tuba
Music lesson book (spiral binding)
Item no.: 1793405
for: Trumpet
Music lesson book
Item no.: 432753
For improvement of technical facility, endurance, range, flexibility, sound and expression; for jazz and classical and commercial players.
for: Trombone
Music lesson book
Item no.: 618283
for: Trumpet
Music lesson book
Item no.: 466895
from the Charles Colin Complete Modern Method for trombone or bass clef baritone
for: Trombone [tuba]
Music score
Item no.: 1550087
Range and Endurance developed through Chromatic Technique
for: Trumpet
Music score
Item no.: 138157
for the Wind Performer
Music lesson book
Item no.: 107352
Atmung – Stütze – Ansatz
Etüden a la Jazz für Trompete (oder andere Blechbläser)
for: Brass instrument (treble clef)
Music lesson book
Item no.: 199049
Trevor Wye's Practice Books
for: Flute
Music score
Item no.: 321483
Atmung – Stütze – Ansatz
Thema: Druckschwaches Blasen
for: Brass instrument (treble clef)
Music lesson book
Item no.: 199050
The Art of Playing the Recorder. Vol. 2: Breathing and Sound
for: Alt-Blockflöte (Sopran-Blockflöte)
Study book
Item no.: 761262
Book (softcover)
Item no.: 885579
for trumpet, horn, trombone, euphonium or tuba
2nd revised edition
spiral bound
for: Brass winds class
Music score, online media
Item no.: 1653013
Book 5 - Breathing & Scales
Revised Edition (Lehrmaterial) (Teaching material)
for: Flute
Music score
Item no.: 622957
Orientierung für Bläser
Forum Musikpädagogik 161
Book (softcover)
Item no.: 1698213
Eight Studies Designed to Increase Air Flow, Range and Sound Quality
for: Trumpet
Music score
Item no.: 1108811
Für Sänger sämtlicher Stilrichtungen
Die wichtigsten gesangstechnischen Grundregeln
for: Voice
Learning book (hardcover)
Item no.: 1560985
pour flûte
for: Flute
Ensemble score
Item no.: 663934
60 Körperübungen zu Atemtechnik, Haltung und Entspannung
for: Flute
Book (softcover)
Item no.: 646155
Heft 5: Atmung und Tonleitern
for: Flute
Music lesson book
Item no.: 130700
Atemstudien – Neue Spieltechniken – Instrumentalübungen für Fortgeschrittene auf der Altblockflöte
for: Treble recorder
Music lesson book
Item no.: 419238
Erklärungen und Übungen zum Thema Stütze und Atmung für Bläser
for: Wind instrument
Music lesson book
Item no.: 555144
Atmung, Artikulation und Grifftechnik für Fortgeschrittene auf der Altblockflöte
for: Treble recorder
Music score
Item no.: 419130
Atemtechnik und Atemstütze für Bläser, Sänger und Sprecher
Theoretische Analyse und praktische Anwendung – Siebte erweiterte Neuauflage 2019
for: Wind instrument [voice]
Learning book (hardcover)
Item no.: 212751
Stütze – Ansatz – Atmung – Fingertechnik
Wie Psyche und Motorik den Blasmusiker beeinflussen
for: Wind instrument
Study book
Item no.: 607978
(Teaching material)
for: Trumpet
Item no.: 130950
Breathing - Embouchure - Technique
for: Trombone
Study book
Item no.: 780195
Metodo pratico di apprendimento della respirazione circolare
for: Wind instruments
Music lesson book, DVD
Item no.: 770437
Scale & chord studies intended for the development of the most basic skills
for: Trumpet
Music lesson book
Item no.: 1550269
Märchenstunde für Blechbläser oder der Weg zum intuitiven Spiel (Lehrmaterial, Musiktheorie) (Teaching material, Theory)
for: Brass instrument
Music lesson book
Item no.: 473760
Ein Leitfaden zum atemtypgerechten Sprechen und Singen
for: Voice
Study book
Item no.: 768101
(Circular breathing) (Lehrmaterial) (Teaching material)
for: Flute
Item no.: 159727
Theorie und 111 Übungen
for: Wind instrument [voice]
Item no.: 657803
Heft 2: Atmung und Tonbildung Artikulation und Phrasierung
Ein methodischer Lehrgang bis zum meisterlichen Spiel
for: Treble recorder
Item no.: 419126
Pouvons-nous faire de notre corps un stradivarius ?
for: Voice (melody instrument]
Study book
Item no.: 616667
for: Brass instrument
Music lesson book
Item no.: 554239
Atmung -Tonbildung - Stimmklang - Gesang
for: Voice
Book, DVD
Item no.: 671406
Körperhaltung – Atmung – Stimmkräftigung
for: Voice
Book (softcover)
Item no.: 459592