Austin Boothroyd

Up And Away for Horn and Piano


A. Boothroyd: Up And Away for Horn and P, HrnKlav (KlavpaSt) (0)
Horn, piano
Musical Editions:
Piano score, solo part
Item no.:
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Up And Away is designed to enable the beginner to experience the satisfaction of performing with others from the very first lesson up to the time when the student has acquired enough skill to be able to perform confidentlywith a school band or orchestra. The twelve pieces are arranged in order of increasing difficulty; notes, rhythmic figures , dotted notes, ties, rests, dynamic markings, slurs etc. are all introduced carefully. Three piecesconcentrate on the important skill of pitching different notes without the aid of a change in fingering.

14.99  €
incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
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