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Sheet music by Tim Minchin

T. Minchin: Roald Dahl_s Matilda the Musical (, GesKlav (Sb)
Tim Minchin

Roald Dahl’s Matilda the Musical (Movie Edition)

for: Voice, piano

Songbook (piano, chords, text)

Item no.: 1550918

22.99  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
T. Minchin: Revolting Children, Ch2Klav (Part)
Tim Minchin

Revolting Children

from Matilda the Musical
Broadway Choral

for: Choir (2 voices), piano


Item no.: 745164

2.99  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
T. Minchin: When I Grow Up, Ch2Klav (Part)
Tim Minchin

When I Grow Up

from Matilda the Musical
Broadway Choral

for: Choir (2 voices), piano


Item no.: 744981

3.50  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 3–5 weeks
T. Minchin: Revolting Children, GchKlav (Part)
Tim Minchin

Revolting Children

from Matilda the Musical
Broadway Choral

for: Mixed choir (SATB), piano


Item no.: 745166

3.25  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
T. Minchin: When I Grow Up, Gch3Klav (Part)
Tim Minchin

When I Grow Up

from Matilda the Musical
Broadway Choral

for: Mixed choir (SABar), piano


Item no.: 744982

3.50  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 3–5 weeks
T. Minchin: Revolting Children, Gch3Klav (Part)
Tim Minchin

Revolting Children

from Matilda the Musical
Broadway Choral

for: Mixed choir (SABar), piano


Item no.: 745165

2.75  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 3–5 weeks
T. Minchin: Roald Dahl's Matilda - The Musical, Klav
Tim Minchin

Roald Dahl's Matilda - The Musical

for: Piano

Music score

Item no.: 1557139

22.99  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 3–5 weeks
T. Minchin: Still Holding My Hand (Chpa)
Tim Minchin

Still Holding My Hand

for: SSA

Choir score

Item no.: 1669338

2.99  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 3–5 weeks
T. Minchin: Groundhog Day, GesKlaGitKey (SBPVG)
Tim Minchin

Groundhog Day

The Musical
Vocal Selections

for: Voice, piano [guitar/keyboard]

Songbook PVG (Piano/Vocal/Guitar)

Item no.: 694991

24.99  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
T. Minchin: My House (Matilda The Musical), GchKlav (Chpa)
Tim Minchin

My House (Matilda The Musical)

for: Mixed choir (SATB), piano

Choir score

Item no.: 874666

4.50  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
AQ: T. Minchin: Groundhog Day, GesKlaGitKey (SBPVG) (B-Ware)
with slight signs of use
Tim Minchin

Groundhog Day

The Musical
Vocal Selections

for: Voice, piano [guitar/keyboard]

Songbook PVG (Piano/Vocal/Guitar)

Item no.: 1714183

24.99  € –45 %
13.70  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
In stock. Delivery time: 1–3 working days (de)
T. Minchin: Still Holding My Hand, Gch3Klav (Chpa)
Tim Minchin

Still Holding My Hand

for: Mixed choir (3 voices), piano

Choir score

Item no.: 1669339

2.99  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 3–5 weeks
T. Minchin: Little Voices - Matilda, Ch2Klav (Bu)
Tim Minchin

Little Voices - Matilda

for: Choir (2 voices), piano


Item no.: 767762

12.99  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
T. Minchin: When I Grow Up, GchKlav (Chpa)
Tim Minchin

When I Grow Up

for: Mixed choir (SATB), piano

Choir score

Item no.: 765688

3.50  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 3–5 weeks
T. Minchin: My House (Matilda The Musical), FchKlav (Chpa)
Tim Minchin

My House (Matilda The Musical)

for: Women's choir (SSA), piano

Choir score

Item no.: 890510

4.50  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
T. Minchin: When I Grow Up (Matilda The Musi, FchKlav (Chpa)
Tim Minchin

When I Grow Up (Matilda The Musical)

for: Women's choir (SSA), piano

Choir score

Item no.: 880553

4.50  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
T. Minchin: Roald Dahl's Matilda - The Musical, GesKlav (Sb)
Tim Minchin

Roald Dahl's Matilda - The Musical

for: Voice, piano


Item no.: 633970

28.99  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
T. Minchin: When I Grow Up (Matilda The Musi, GchKlav (Chpa)
Tim Minchin

When I Grow Up (Matilda The Musical)

for: Mixed choir (SATB), piano

Choir score

Item no.: 898230

4.50  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
Placeholder image
Tim Minchin

Revolting Children

from Matilda the Musical
ShowTrax CD
Broadway Choral

for: Choir, piano

Playback-CD (without sheet music)

Item no.: 745167

37.50  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 3–5 weeks
Verband deutscher MusikschulenBundesverband der Freien MusikschulenJeunesses Musicales DeutschlandFrankfurter Tonkünstler-BundBundes­verb­and deutscher Lieb­haber-OrchesterStützpunkt­händ­ler der Wiener Urtext Edition

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