Orlando Gibbons (1583-1625) was a popular English composer and organist of the Renaissance Period. His work is very diverse, and he wrote both sacred and secular vocal, choral and instrumental music. Gibbon’s compositions for viola da gamba, keyboard instruments and his sacred songs are very popular to this day. Browse our sheet music and scores, and explore the wide world of Orlando Gibbons with Stretta Music today!
aus: "The First Set of Madrigals and Mottets, apt for Viols and Voyces"
for: Mixed choir (SATTB); basso continuo ad lib.
Score, part (pdf download)
Item no.: 3141
for: Trumpet, piano
Piano score, solo part
Item no.: 313705
für Cembalo (3 Blockflöten/3 Gamben) und Basso continuo (Faksimile)
for: 3 violas
Score, CD
Item no.: 553595
for: Harpsichord [piano]
Music score
Item no.: 148939
Five madrigals by Orlando Gibbons
for: Mixed choir (5 parts) a cappella
Choir score
Item no.: 478212
for: Women's choir (SSAA) a cappella
Choir score
Item no.: 878254
for: Mixed choir (SATB), piano
Choir score
Item no.: 891334
for: Mixed choir (SSAATB); organ ad lib.
Choir score
Item no.: 930813
Early English Church Music 21
for: Mixed choir a cappella
Music score (spiral binding)
Item no.: 768913
Régi mesterek vegyeskarai 44
for: Mixed choir (SMezATB) a cappella
Choir score
Item no.: 850968
Boosey Choral Music Experience
for: Women's choir (SA) a cappella
Choir score
Item no.: 445829
Verse Anthems
Early English Church Music 3
for: Mixed choir a cappella
Music score (spiral binding)
Item no.: 768914
for: Mixed choir (SATB) a cappella
Choir score
Item no.: 1010428
for: Mixed choir (SSAATTB); organ ad lib.
Item no.: 929525
Harmonia-Mixed Choir
for: Mixed choir (SSATB); piano ad lib.
Choir score
Item no.: 905506
Harmonia-Mixed Choir
for: Mixed choir (SSATB); piano ad lib.
Choir score
Item no.: 1654422
The English Madrigalists 5
for: Mixed choir (5 parts) a cappella
Choir score
Item no.: 771334
Geistliche Musik
for: Mixed choir, organ
Item no.: 559564
Heitere Fantasie
for: gemischter Chor (SSATB) mit Streichern
Item no.: 754408
for: 3 recorders (SST)
Ensemble score
Item no.: 275135
for 10-Piece Brass Ensemble
Brass Connection
for: Brass ensemble (10 parts)
Score, Parts
Item no.: 1549049
for: 4 recorders (SATB quartet)
Ensemble score
Item no.: 355352
Fred Bock Publications
for: Choir
Choir score
Item no.: 1327002
De Haske Choral Series
for: A Capella Mixed Voices
Choir score
Item no.: 869703
aus: Barnard, First book of selected church musick (1641)
for: Mixed choir (SATB) a cappella
Item no.: 1338243
for: 3 Blockflöten (SST)
Ensemble score
Item no.: 355334
Novello Tudor Anthems
for: Mixed choir (SATB), piano
Item no.: 875044
Geistliche Musik
for: Mixed choir (SSATB), piano
Choir score
Item no.: 1031835
für zwei Diskantviolen (oder andere Melodieinstrumente)
for: 2 viole da gamba
Ensemble score
Item no.: 418025
The Matthew Wood Collection
for: 5 trombones
Score, Parts
Item no.: 1043236
Two Miniature Masterpieces
for: Concert band
Score, Parts
Item no.: 1319251
Heitere Fantasie
for: gemischter Chor (SSATB) mit Streichern
Item no.: 101583
for: Flute, cor anglais, clarinet, horn, bassoon
Score, Parts
Item no.: 1714629
for: SATB Alto Organ Accompaniment
Choir score
Item no.: 1659289
for: Organ
Music score
Item no.: 907526
for: Mixed choir (SSAATB); organ ad lib.
Choir score
Item no.: 1038770
for: 4 recorders (SATB quartet)
Ensemble score
Item no.: 355359
Music for Recorder
Oriel Library 186
for: 8 recorders (SSAATTBB)
Score, Parts
Item no.: 367223
Feierliche Entlassung zu fünf Stimmen
for: Mixed choir (SSATB) a cappella
Item no.: 1340334
für fünf Blockflöten (SS(A)A(T)TB)
aus dem "Ersten Band der fünfstimmigen Madrigale und Motetten" Musik für Blockflöte - Il flauto dolce
for: 5 recorders (quintet)
Ensemble score
Item no.: 112985
for: Mixed choir (SATB), organ
Choir score
Item no.: 897320
for: Women's choir (SSAA), piano
Item no.: 906765
for: 3 recorders (SAT)
Score, Parts
Item no.: 355335
Geistliche Musik
for: Choir
Choir score
Item no.: 551230
for: 2 trumpets (B-flat), horn (F), trombone, tuba
Score, Parts
Item no.: 1652083
for femal chorus (SSA) a cappella
vocal score (en)
for: Choir
Choir score
Item no.: 886170
for: Mixed choir (SATB); piano ad lib.
Choir score
Item no.: 1037443