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Sheet music by Jonas Tamulionis

Jonas Tamulionis is an exceptionally prolific author, whose list of works boasts over 300 compositions. Among them, those written for guitar, accordion and choir are accorded a special place. Such general descriptions as the linear development, polyphonic textures and neo-classical means of expression may well characterize his stylistic preferences. In his music, the composer aims at a natural synthesis of Lithuanian folk music and modern compositional.

J. Tamulionis: Ave Maria, GchKlav (Chpa)


Jonas Tamulionis

Ave Maria

for: Mixed choir (SATB), piano

Choir score

Item no.: 903279

2.25  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 3–5 weeks
J. Tamulionis: Reversiones op. 256, Git
Jonas Tamulionis

Reversiones op. 256

Veröffentlicht auf CD: AMBITUS 96 802
Musik aus Litauen

for: Guitar

Music score

Item no.: 329450

8.20  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 5–10 working days (de)
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