Massimo Varini

Basic Guitar Course

M. Varini: Basic Guitar Course, Git (0)M. Varini: Basic Guitar Course, Git (1)
Guitarra acústica [guitarra clásica]
Tipo de producto:
Libro didáctico (con partituras y tablaturas), vídeo online
№ de artículo:
Autor / Compositor:
132 Páginas
Año de lanzamiento:
Editorial / fabricante:
N.º del fabricante:
AM 1012704


Grammy Award winner, songwriter, composer, producer, recording artist and firrst-call session and touring musician Massimo Varini is one of the world's most celebrated and versatile Guitarists and educators. As the only Italian Guitar tutor on Massimo Varini is a name that is causing ripples outside of his native Italy. With a huge YouTube following and bestselling Guitar tutorials at home Massimo Varini is bringing his Basic Guitar Course to English speakers for the first time.

With a focus on learning to read music, and legions of happy students, Massimo Varini's Basic Guitar Course sets itself apart from other tutorial books on the market. Learn how to play scales, chords and arpeggios, how to accompany songs, and the CAGED system, to master the fretboard in this clear, concise andeasy to follow volume.

Recursos de seguridad y productos


Hal Leonard MGB Group B.V., Businesspark Friesland-West 15, P.O. Box 744, 8440 AS Heerenveen, NL, [email protected]

28,99  €
En stock. Plazo de envío: 1–3 días laborables (Alemania)
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