Carl Stamitz (1745 – 1801), Stamitz, Carl Philipp

Violakonzert Nr. 1 D-Dur

C. Stamitz: Violakonzert Nr. 1 D-Dur , VaOrch (KASt) (0)C. Stamitz: Violakonzert Nr. 1 D-Dur , VaOrch (KASt) (1)C. Stamitz: Violakonzert Nr. 1 D-Dur , VaOrch (KASt) (2)C. Stamitz: Violakonzert Nr. 1 D-Dur , VaOrch (KASt) (3)
Viola, orquesta
Tipo de producto:
Reducción de piano, partichela de solo
№ de artículo:
Autor / Compositor:
Carl Stamitz, Stamitz, Carl Philipp
Editorial / fabricante:
N.º del fabricante:
HN 758


Every known source has been examined to produce an urtext edition, complete with preface and editorial notes to explain the work’s complex source situation. No audition candidates who want to flaunt their knowledge of the historical sources as well as their brilliant technique can afford to miss this volume!?

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G. Henle Verlag e.K., Forstenrieder Allee 122, 81476 München, DE, [email protected]

18,00  €
En stock. Plazo de envío: 1–3 días laborables (Alemania)
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