Johannes Brahms (1833 – 1897)

Sonatas op. 120

Henle Urtext Editions

J. Brahms: Sonaten op. 120, KlarKlav (KlavpaSt) (0)J. Brahms: Sonaten op. 120, KlarKlav (KlavpaSt) (1)J. Brahms: Sonaten op. 120, KlarKlav (KlavpaSt) (2)J. Brahms: Sonaten op. 120, KlarKlav (KlavpaSt) (3)J. Brahms: Sonaten op. 120, KlarKlav (KlavpaSt) (4)
Clarinete (si bemol), piano
Partitura de piano, partichela solo (Urtext)
№ de artículo:
Autor / Compositor:
88 Páginas; 23,5 × 31 cm
Año de lanzamiento:
Editorial / fabricante:
N.º del fabricante:
HN 987


In 1894 Johannes Brahms asked the clarinettist Richard Mühlfeld to visit him during his beloved summer sojourn in Ischl, adding 'It would be really wonderful if you brought your B flat clarinet with you, and if you were in no great hurry' – for the two Sonatas op. 120 were waiting to be rehearsed. The first performances were given privately directly afterwards and the press enthusiastically reported: 'The sonatas [...] are wonderful and will cause a great sensation'.

Henle's edition of this work, today part of the clarinettist's core repertoire, continues the revision of Brahms's Duo Sonatas following the text in the new Brahms Complete Edition.


  • Sonata No. 1 in F minor
  • Sonata No. 2 in E-flat major
24,00  €
En stock. Plazo de envío: 1–3 días laborables (Alemania)
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J. Brahms: Sonaten op. 120, KlarKlv (Klar)
Johannes Brahms

Sonaten op. 120

Para: Clarinete, piano

Partichela clarinete (en si bemol)

№ de artículo: 401291

13,00  €IVA incl., mas costes de envío
En stock. Plazo de envío: 1–3 días laborables (de)
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