Bernhard von der Goltz (b. 1955)

Music for a Dancer


B. von der Goltz: Music for a Dancer, Git (0)B. von der Goltz: Music for a Dancer, Git (1)B. von der Goltz: Music for a Dancer, Git (2)B. von der Goltz: Music for a Dancer, Git (3)
Classical guitar
Musical Editions:
Music score
Item no.:
Author / Composer:
20 pages; 21 × 29.7 cm
20 minutes
Publisher / Producer:
Producer No.:
EST 2001


The suite is a collection of five pieces for guitar solo. It describes the five phases of the performance of a dancer, from warming up, stretching, dancing and rest. It would be nice, to complete the performance with the additon of a dancer.

Bernhard von der Goltz (*1955) studied Classical Guitar in Würzburg and Frankfurt. Beside his work as a teacher and Musician, he wrote a number of compositions for piano and choir. The pieces in this collection are influences by Latin and Jazz.


  • Warming Up – Aufwärmen
  • Swaying – Dehnen
  • Perpetuum Mobile
  • Rest – Pause
  • Bailando (The dance) – Der Tanz
14.90  €
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Only 4 left in stock. Delivery time: 1-2 working days (Germany). Additional copies ready for dispatch in 1-4 weeks.
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