Otto M. Schwarz (b. 1967)

Thomas Gansch: Stay Tuned – Pop & Jazz – Starter

13 Original Duets for Trumpet

2 trumpets
Product type:
Ensemble score
Item no.:
Author / Composer:
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Producer No.:


Following the great success of the “Stay Tuned - Pop & Jazz” booklets, another collaboration between trumpeter Thomas Gansch and composer Otto M. Schwarz has now resulted in a new edition entitled “Stay Tuned - Pop & Jazz - Starter”. This collection has been specially designed for beginners and once again offers 13 duets composed in the styles of pop, jazz, funk and Latin. The new edition builds on the proven mix of musical challenge and accessible playing material, making it ideal for lessons as well as for playing together. Each piece is designed to be fun to play while developing musical skills.

19.90  €
incl. VAT, plus shipping
Delivery time: 2–3 weeks.
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