Pretzels, beer, and a felt hat are spread out as decorations in Bavarian colours

O’zapft is! – Sheet Music for Oktoberfest

It's that time again: the world’s largest folk festival is back at Theresienwiese in Munich. But it's not just in Munich where people are celebrating with gusto. The Wasn in Stuttgart and many smaller Oktoberfest events across Germany and worldwide are guaranteed to bring good vibes. To get you in the right mood, we've put together the best sheet music for your instrument and taste: German Schlager – Sheet Music & Songbooks

Whether folk music, Schlager, or party hits: Here you'll find the perfect sheet music for every instrument:

German Folk Music

Singing "Hoch auf dem gelben Wagen" is always a joy! Whether in a pub, hiking, or at special occasions: German folk songs are timeless and remain very popular. Discover more here:

Rucksack Songs "Rucksack Songs" for Styrian Accordion
Singing Keeps You Young "Singing Keeps You Young" for Voice, Guitar
Bohemian Dream "Bohemian Dream" for Styrian Accordion
Folk Songs "Folk Songs" for Voice & Accompaniment
Santiano – The Greatest Hits "Santiano – The Greatest Hits" for Accordion
Rudi's Dance Book "Rudi's Dance Book" for 2 Melody Instruments (C)

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Schlager – a genre that has captured the hearts of millions of music lovers and connects generations. Catchy melodies, often with simple and easy-to-understand lyrics, and a high recognisability define Schlager. Emotions and moods are conveyed in a catchy and entertaining way. Over the years, Schlager artists have produced countless hits that have become evergreen classics, inspiring generations of music fans.

Schlagerfestival “Schlagerfestival” for Steirische Harmonika
The Best of Wolfgang Petry “The Best of Wolfgang Petry” for Traditional Wind Orchestra
The Great Schlager Songbook “A Star Bearing Your Name” for Symphonic Wind Orchestra
Freddy Quinn Songbook “Freddy Quinn Songbook” for Voice & Accompaniment
The Schlager Book for Young and Old “The Schlager Book for Young and Old” for Voice & Accompaniment
Heartbeat for Heartbeat “Kastelruther Spatzen” for Voice & Accompaniment

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Oktoberfest Hits & Beer Tent Music

“Ein Prosit der Gemütlichkeit”, “1000 und 1 Nacht” or “Schatzi, schenk mir ein Foto” – at festivals like Oktoberfest, a colourful mix of songs is played. This genre of music creates the typical lively atmosphere in beer tents and at folk festivals and is a key contributor to the festive mood. Bring some of this atmosphere home!

Oktoberfest Hits Oktoberfest Hits for Steirische Harmonika
Hulapalu “Hulapalu” for Voice & Accompaniment
Cordula Grün “Cordula Grün” for Accordion; Voice
Ein Prosit der Gemütlichkeit “Ein Prosit der Gemütlichkeit” for Combo
STS: Fürstenfeld “STS: Fürstenfeld” for Voice & Accompaniment
Country Roads “Country Roads” for Symphonic Wind Orchestra

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Ballermann Hits & Party Songs

Ballermann music refers to a specific type of German-language party music that is often played at lively, exuberant events, especially in beer gardens and beach bars. Just a few words are enough to turn a song into the perfect party hit.

Bierkapitän “Bierkapitän” for Voice & Accompaniment
Peter Pan “Peter Pan” for Voice & Accompaniment
Olivia – If Your Mother Knew... “Olivia – If Your Mother Knew...” for Voice & Accompaniment
Layla “Layla” for Variable Ensemble
Aperol Spritz “Aperol Spritz” for Big Band; voice ad lib.
Johnny Däpp – I Want Malle Back “Johnny Däpp – I Want Malle Back” for Big Band

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