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Playing & Learning the Bassoon

Discover many tips and recommendations here to learn, practice, and improve your bassoon playing. You will find a selection of the most popular methods, expert tips, and, of course, recommendations from our extensive range of sheet music for bassoon and method books for bassoon:

Bassoon Sheet Music – New Releases & Recommendations

The Most Popular Bassoon Methods

"The Jolly Bassoon" by Albrecht Holder and Bodo Koenigsbeck is a bassoon school particularly suitable for children. Technical basics are shown by Andreas Mendel and Bernhard Krabatsch. The bassoon school by Julius Weissenborn, revised by Carl Schaefer, is still part of the standard repertoire.

The Jolly Bassoon The Jolly Bassoon 1 by Albrecht Holder & Bodo Koenigsbeck
Bassoon - Technical Basics Bassoon - Technical Basics by Andreas Mendel & Bernhard Krabatsch
Bassoon School Bassoon School by Julius Weissenborn

Expert Tips & Insights for Bassoon

Learning to play the Bassoon – 20 Questions for Anselma Veit

Learning to play the Bassoon – 20 Questions for Anselma Veit

“I think the bassoon gives the music a nice depth - literally and figuratively. Precisely because the tone is so wonderfully warm and velvety. No matter what formation.“ Bassoon player Anselma Veit anwsers our musical questionnaire in the hopes of making the choice for a new instrument a bit easier.

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10 reasons for music lessons

10 reasons for music lessons

Do you know the saying "Music makes you smart"? Music teacher Kristin Thielemann is sick of hearing it! This phrase misappropriates music, using it as a vitamin for "performance boosting." Here are 10 reasons why engaging with music can be crucial for a young person, beyond the overused phrase "Music makes you smart."

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Music: A Field with Future?

Music: A Field with Future?

Given the current crises in the world, advancing digitization, cuts in the cultural sector, and in music education, one can rightly ask: Will the music profession still exist in the future? Music educator Kristin Thielemann discusses current challenges and opportunities in the professional music sector and encourages a career related to music.

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