Musik machen

Music Theory & Ear Training

Discover the theoretical aspects of music with tips and recommendations for learning, practicing, and advancing in music theory and ear training. Explore a selection of the most popular textbooks, expert tips, and, of course, recommendations from our extensive range of music theory textbooks and ear training textbooks:

Classical HarmonyJazz HarmonyBasso ContinuoAnalysing Musical Form

Introduction & Musical AnalysisRhythm TheoryThe History of MusicPiano ReductionInstrumental Studies

MusicTheory & Ear Training – New Releases & Recommendations

The most popular music lesson books on Music Theory & Ear Training

Modus Vetus Modus Vetus – Sight Singing and Ear-Training in Major / Minor tonality
Theory Made Easy for Little Children Theory Made Easy for Little Children 1
Basso Continuo – An Introduction Basso Continuo – An Introduction
Modern Rhythm & Reading Script Modern Rhythm & Reading Script
Flip-a-rhythm 1 + 2 Flip-a-rhythm 1 + 2
The II-V-I Progression The II-V-I Progression

Interesting facts from our journal

The Life and Work of a Classical Composer Today – An Interview with Zdeněk Král

The Life and Work of a Classical Composer Today – An Interview with Zdeněk Král

Zdeněk Král is one of the most prominent figures in modern Czech classical music and, with more than 1000 compositions, he is extremely prolific. In an interview with Tomáš Ibrmajer he talks about his life as a composer: from his inspirations, the creative process and the challenges, to the final performance.

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Michele Galvagno – Artistic Score Engraving

Michele Galvagno – Artistic Score Engraving

Cellist Michele Galvagno became a music engraver in order to provide other musicians with the best possible editions of sheet music. Find out in our interview how he is committed to the composers Friedrich Dotzauer and Alfredo Piatti, how time-consuming the work process from manuscript to finished edition is and how scores have changed over the course of history.

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Antonio Oyarzábal – Unveiling the Hidden Gems of Female Composers

Antonio Oyarzábal – Unveiling the Hidden Gems of Female Composers

The London-based Basque pianist talks about his latest album "El Fin del Silencio" (The End Of Silence) of works by Latin American women composers and the challenges he has faced in his career in finding repertoire and scores by women composers.

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Verband deutscher MusikschulenBundesverband der Freien MusikschulenJeunesses Musicales DeutschlandFrankfurter Tonkünstler-BundBundes­verb­and deutscher Lieb­haber-OrchesterStützpunkt­händ­ler der Wiener Urtext Edition

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