Johannes Brahms (1833 – 1897)

Song of the Fates op. 89

op. 89

J. Brahms: Gesang der Parzen, Gch6Orch (Part) (0)J. Brahms: Gesang der Parzen, Gch6Orch (Part) (1)J. Brahms: Gesang der Parzen, Gch6Orch (Part) (2)J. Brahms: Gesang der Parzen, Gch6Orch (Part) (3)
Mixed choir (SAATBB), orchestra
Musical Editions:
Score (Urtext edition)
Item no.:
Author / Composer:
german, english
48 pages; 25 × 32 cm
12 minutes
Year of origin:
Release year:
Publisher / Producer:
Producer No.:
CV 10.400/00


Scoring: Coro SAATBB, 2 Fl (Pic), 2 Ob, 2 Clt, 2 Fg, Cfg, 4 Cor, 2 Tr, 3 Trb, Tb, Timp, 2 Vl, Va, Vc, Cb

The Three Fates, or Parcae, were the goddesses of fate in Greek-Roman mythology, and sang on themes of curse and fate. The "Parzenlied" in Goethe’s verse drama “Iphigenie auf Tauris” is concerned with these themes and became the model for Johannes Brahms’s setting. His Gesang der Parzen (Song of the Fates) op. 89 describes in thrilling, eruptive sounds the fight to overcome the mythical curse through the purity of truthful, noble actions and the power of hope.

With a duration of around 12 minutes, the work can be combined with Brahms’s German Requiem in concert.

21.95  €
incl. VAT, plus shipping
Instant dispatch. Delivery time: 1–3 working days (Germany)
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Johannes Brahms

Song of the Fates

op. 89

for: Mixed choir (SAATBB), orchestra

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