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Sheet music by John Dowling

John Dowling is a British banjo player.

Dowling was born in Cornwall, England. He won first place at the BBC Radio 2 Young Folk Award in 2000 with his band the Black Cat Theory, and went on to become the first European ever to win first place at the USA bluegrass banjo championship held at Winfield, Kansas, in 2002. In 2007, he was featured as a master class tutor in a BBC1 reality series Play It Again along with Mark Knopfler, Jools Holland and Courtney Pine.

J. Dowling: The Contemporary Banjo Player, Bjo (+CD)

Boil the Cabbages

John Dowling

The Contemporary Banjo Player

Suitable for players of every level.

for: Banjo

Music lesson book, playback-CD

Item no.: 635419

24.50  €incl. VAT, plus shipping
Currently being reprinted. Delivery time unknown.
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